許多Steam 遊戲都是非常大的檔案。您的遊戲筆記型電腦或台式機應高度配置一個或兩個硬碟,以獲得更好的遊戲性能和更快的體驗。切勿將游戲和作業系統放在同一個房間,否則,您將因可用磁碟空間不足而遭受無休止的電腦死機和系統死機。如果您仍然在預設 C 槽上安裝遊戲,請從現在開始停止它,並開始學習如何使用最佳三種方...
Part 2: How to Move Steam Games to Another Drive? Option 1: Move Game Files to another Drive Follow the below steps that can help how to move Steam games from one drive to another: Create a library folder for the game on your other drive or partition. Click the "Steam" tab and sele...
Three (3) Ways To Move Steam Game Files Follow either of these three (3) methods to transfer your Steam files to another drive without losing any data. 1. Use Built-In Tools Interestingly, Steam has a built-in feature that lets you transfer your files to another drive safely. Here's h...
Open the Storage Manager window in Steam and create a new Steam Library Folder on another drive. Then, select your game and click “Move” to move it to the new drive. Steam offers multiple library folders, and you can choose where you want to install games when you download them. And,...
Move the game to the external drive from the Steam Library If you want to move any specific games to your external drive, you can do that from Steam Library. Here's how. Open Steam and switch to theLibrarysection from the interface. ...
导航至您的 Steam 安装目录。 默认安装位置是:C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam 删除所有文件及文件夹,但以下内容除外:steamapps和userdata文件夹,以及steam.exe。 剪切并粘贴整个 Steam 文件夹至新位置,例如:D:\Games\Steam\ 启动Steam 并登录您的帐户。
Why Do You Move Steam Games to Another Drive Users desire to relocate steam games to another drive for two major purposes. Reason 1. The drive that has steam installed run out of free space. Steam will save the game files to your C drive by default, but your C drive will quickly fill...
Now, to move an existing game to another drive, go to your Steam Library, right-click the installed game and click Properties. In the Properties window click the “Local Files” tab, “Move Install Folder,” select which of your Steam Library Folders you’d like to move the game to and...
4. On the new screen, click onLOCAL FILES>Move install folder…as shown. 5. Choose theDrive, in this case, External DriveG:, fromSelect the target drive “name & size of game” should be moved todrop-down menu. Then, click onMove. ...
You can insteadmove Steam games to another driveif your reason behind deleting the game is to free up disk space.