Steam Link ¥49.99美 去购买 美国亚马逊 Microsoft Xbox Wireless Adapter for Windows 10 ¥43.95美 去购买 由于到达转运仓库时间已经是11月中旬,恰逢西方的黑五活动开启,因此转运速度有如蜗牛,再加上电子产品清关速度缓慢,直到一个多月后才入手。 看序列号似乎是第694个哈。
If you have already followed the instructions above, you are paired via the Steam Controller Wireless Receiver and BLE. Use the commands below to start your controller in the mode of your choice. Bluetooth LE Pairing Mode You’ll need to do this in order to use the Steam Link app ...
尽管我尝试过将 iPad Pro 连接鼠标和妙控键盘,再使用 Steam Link 来玩 CS:GO。但就如同前文所讲,Steam Link 的按键在 iPad Pro 上会有冲突,比如鼠标左键的「开火」会和「切枪」产生冲突,导致按住左键连续开枪时,会不定时的触发切枪动作。 这下,好不容易改掉的「切枪癌」症状现在又被动复发。 个人认为,最适...
前文阐述了这么多关于 Steam Link 的使用方法,那么这款 app 到底好不好用,甚至说能不能正常使用呢?我们接下来就看看实际游戏测试。 测试设备在 Wi-Fi 环境下为 iPad Pro,5G 蜂窝网络下为 iPhone 12,操作设备是 Xbox Wireless Controller。 先来看看驰名大作GTA5,这款发售至今已有八年的游戏,其游戏画面至今仍然...
Add support for XBox One wireless, steering wheels, microphones, flight sticks, and other controllers to Steam Link!(翻译:添加Xbox One无线、方向盘、麦克风、飞行棒的支持,和其他控制器的蒸汽链接!)VirtualHere allows you to use the XBox One Wireless Controller, steering wheels, ...
Add support for XBox One wireless, steering wheels, microphones, flight sticks, and other controllers to Steam Link!(翻译:添加Xbox One无线、方向盘、麦克风、飞行棒的支持,和其他控制器的蒸汽链接!)VirtualHere allows you to use the XBox One Wireless Controller, steering wheels, microphone, headphones,...
,几秒以后PS4手柄指示灯会闪烁——配对名为“Wireless Controller”的蓝牙设备——打开Steam大屏模式,...
,几秒以后PS4手柄指示灯会闪烁——配对名为“Wireless Controller”的蓝牙设备——打开Steam大屏模式,...
Streaming games to your iOS and Android devices with the Steam Link app. Connecting your Steam Controller to a tablet or laptop without a USB port. You just can't find your Steam Controller Wireless Receiver. Otherwise we suggesting sticking with the original protocol. It provides the fastest ...