如果你认为此加载项违反了Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 输入你看到的字符。你也可以选择音频质询。 新|视觉 提交
Enter a Steam profile URL to find the Steam ID. Find Steam ID About this ID finder Once you have set yourself a Steam vanity profile URL (for example: http://steamcommunity.com/id/yourname) it's hard to work out what your unique Steam identifier (aka Steam64 ID) is. It's possible...
这个链接中包含了您的Steam ID,通常是以数字开头的字符串。例如,您的个人资料URL可能是这样的:https://steamcommunity.com/id/yourusername/12345678。在这个例子中,12345678就是您的Steam ID。 如果您已经设置了自定义URL,那么需要删除“自定义URL”框内的文字,在下方的URL中即可找到您的Steam ID。 通过Steam好友...
The Steam ID Finder is no longer needed. You can directly link your Steam account with your ESL account. Either go to a tournament which is using the Steam account as game ID and follow the instructions in the league widget on the right side or go to thelinkage page on ESL IDand link...
Steam ID Finder – online tool helps to find and convert any type of steam ID – Check community ID / steamID / steamID32 / steamID64 / custom URL / steamID3
Steam ID Finder 1.0.1 版本号 2023-03-04 更新时间 介绍 显示Steam 用户的 ID。一键复制。 特征: 1. 访问 Steam 个人资料以查看和复制用户 ID 2. 右键单击配置文件 URL 以复制关联的 ID 3.访问好友管理器一次复制多个用户ID 4.复制ID时为SourceMod管理配置生成一行...
Right-click a profile URL to copy an associated ID 3. Visit the Friends Manager to copy multiple user IDs at once 4. Generate a line for SourceMod admin configuration when copying an ID Source code: https://github.com/avi12/steam-id-finder显示更多 无用户评价 排序方式 最近添加评论 尚无人...
I'm having the same problem. Running Crossover 23.0 on MacOS Monterey 12.6.8 (Mac Studio M1 Max) and only getting a black window when launching Steam.. I tried re-installing,different bottles, command lines etc. but nothing seems to fix the issue. Was considering updating my mac to ...
Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous 开拓者 正义之怒 DLC 解锁补丁(Steam & Epic)已正式发布。该补丁支持Windows、SteamOS和macOS平台,让玩家们能够轻松解锁并体验《开拓者 正义之怒》的全新DLC内容。在安装时,请确保已安装游戏基础本体,且安装路径不包含中文或其他非拉丁字符。同时,务必阅读使用说明,按照步骤...
profile to see & copy the user's IDs 2. Right-click a profile URL to copy an associated ID 3. Visit the Friends Manager to copy multiple user IDs at once 4. Generate a line for SourceMod admin configuration when copying an ID Source code: https://github.com/avi12/steam-id-finder ...