"tradeurl": "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=81xxxxxx&token=tOxxxxxx", // 对方的steam报价链接 "cancel_time": 600000, // 订单取消时长,单位毫秒;报价发起后超过该时长后,机器人自动取消报价 "message": "my trade offer", // steam报价单附带的报价描述信息, "uid": "xxxxxxx...
Please note that upon redeeming this product, the amount and the currency stated on the product page will be converted from/to a different currency (depending on your Steam account currency). The amount that will be added to your Steam Wallet balance upon activation may change slightly but ...
Steam Wallet Code Bahrain (USD) can be used to add balance to Steam Wallet. It is usable by all Valve Steam Bahrain store users with Bahraini Dinar steam wallet. ALERT: Steam users only allowed to redeem the Steam Wallet Code according to your original Steam Wallet's currency settings. Wha...
Please note that upon redeeming this product, the amount and the currency stated on the product page will be converted from/to a different currency (depending on your Steam account currency). The amount that will be added to your Steam Wallet balance upon activation may change slightly but ...
The Steam store in Argentina and Turkey will start using USD, along with new regional prices for LATAM and Middle East/North Africa for 25 additional countries/ territories.Starting on November 20th, Steam will change the currency used for sales in Argentina and Turkey to USD. We are implementi...
Adjust G2A to your needs. Region Not found Language English Currency USD| United States Dollar Not found Contact seller No feedback yet 0 I accept theTerms & Conditionsand thePrivacy Policy. I confirm that this message doesn’t include personal data like ID numbers, card details, or other se...
Adjust G2A to your needs. Language English Currency USD| United States Dollar Not found Contact seller No feedback yet 0 I accept theTerms & Conditionsand thePrivacy Policy. I confirm that this message doesn’t include personal data like ID numbers, card details, or other sensitive information...
“Allow all”. If you do not agree with us using any cookies and related technologies except the strictly necessary, click “Reject all”. Click “Settings” to review and change your preferences.You can manage your choices at any time by clicking the ‘Cookie Declaration’ button in the ...
Formats a currency value and returns a string. For example: console.log(SteamUser.formatCurrency(12.34, SteamUser.ECurrencyCode.USD)); // $12.34 console.log(SteamUser.formatCurrency(12345, SteamUser.ECurrencyCode.JPY)); // ¥ 12345 console.log(SteamUser.formatCurrency(123.45, SteamUser.ECur...
Steam Wallet Code (HKD)can be used to add balance to Steam Wallet. It is usable by all Valve Steam users withHong Kong Dollarsteam wallet. ALERT:Steam users only allowed to redeem the Steam Wallet Code according to your original Steam Wallet's currency settings. ...