如果有一个您希望出现在GOG.com的项目不在愿望单,请添加您的心愿 +2367 Offical Steam Integration 添加者是drspokk drspokk查看用户信息查看愿望单开始会话自的用户该用户的愿望单不是公开的。由于此用户或您的隐私设置,您无法与他交谈。您无法和此用户聊天,因为您已经屏蔽了此用户。您无法和此用户聊天,因为您已经...
Hi. I often use GOG Galaxy - I like to see all my games in one spot. However, for a few days now, Steam integration in GOG is not working, making it not show a huge portion of my games.
https://github.com/FriendsOfGalaxy/galaxy-integration-steam/issues/159 下载完成后,解压到 C:\Users\{电脑名}\AppData\Local\GOG.com\Galaxy\plugins\installed\steam 覆盖 4.登录gog桌面端,选择添加游戏及好友》关联您的账户 点击连接,弹窗后输入账号密码...
原作者github地址(https://github.com/FriendsOfGalaxy/galaxy-integration-steam) 2楼2021-08-02 23:47 回复 姬川优奈老师 崭露头角 2 使用方法:1.电脑文件夹地址定位到:%LOCALAPPDATA%\GOG.com\Galaxy\plugins\installed2.找到目录内开头是steam的文件夹3.将里面的文件全部删除后,将下载的steam.zip解压到...
https://www.gog.com/forum/general_beta_gog_galaxy_2.0/please_fix_steam_integration https://www.gog.com/forum/general_beta_gog_galaxy_2.0/steam_offline To sum up, STEAM integration is dead. therealtyler New User Registered: Feb 2014 From Germany Posted April 08, 2023 tzoker.: Steam in...
func init_integration_scenario(): set_process(false) #检查Steam是否正在运行 if not Steam.isSteamRunning(): if not Steam.restartAppIfNecessary(STEAM_APP_ID): push_warning("请启动Steam并重新启动游戏") if Steam.steamInit(): print("Steam已经初始化") ...
Please note: currently the Steam build for Mac and Linux doesn't support Steam integration (Achievements, Trading Cards, CloudSave), whereas Windows does. I'll try to get this working before full release! As for "Early Access" Backers ($25 tier), I still need to sort out the distribution...
Integration of the DLC framework so we can deliver the promised Kickstarter rewards Integration of Steam API, GOG API and other interfaces of our content delivery platforms The rest of the many low level tasks we are getting done, therefore probably no need to be mentioned here. I just wanted...
第一步,正常安装GOG第二步,下载windows.zip https://github.com/FriendsOfGalaxy/galaxy-integration-steam/releases第三步,打开 GOG Galaxy 安装目录下的 plugins 文件夹第四步,新建一个文件夹,取名 GalaxyPluginSteam第五步,把windows.zip解压到这个GalaxyPluginSteam文件夹里最后,打开GOG看看 4楼2022-01-24 14:...