复仇女神涅墨西斯挣脱了束缚。命运之线遭到侵蚀,一切但敢与她为敌的人都将受到惩罚。加入《Titan Quest II》,体验希腊神话的独特魅力,畅享动作角色扮演的酣畅淋漓。快快拿起武器,与众神并肩作战,重写命运篇章。
名称:EVAN QUEST 2 类型:动作 开发商:Archor Wright 发行商:Archor Games 系列:ECHS BACHS 发行日期:2022 年 3 月 4 日 访问网站X YouTube 查看快速参考查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“ECHS BACHS”全合集作品
Quest 2 A feature called Oculus Link lets you "tether" your Quest to a computer via a USB cable in much the same way that PCVR headsets like the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift connect. In Oculus Link mode, the Quest can play any VR games installed in your Steam library, giving you access...
Vertigo Games宣布,其VR僵尸射击游戏《亚利桑那阳光(Arizona Sunshine)》的续作《亚利桑那阳光2》将于12月7日发布,支持Meta Quest 2/Quest 3/Quest Pro、PS VR2和PCVR头显,标准版售价49.99美元,豪华版售价59.99美元。 《STRIDE》的续集《STRIDE:Fates》将于11月9日登陆Meta Quest Joy Way宣布,其VR跑酷动作射击游戏...
Why even bother collecting all the parts needed for an effective technology character when you could just be a mage and just keep yourself stocked on inexpensive fatigue potions? Arcanum is one of those games where you HAVE TO, absolutely have to make your own fun. The game is not going to...
Oculus Que..今天踩坑了一个半小时,才终于用VD无线串流玩上了Alyx,效果震撼不丢帧,总结了份攻略,有需要可以看看哈操作方式更新,增加一些细节和不严谨的地方,第二次装的时候又踩坑了哈哈
Rumours say that Apple is going to release vr headset which is much more powerful and advanced than Quest 2 BUT it will be priced 2000 dollars and it cannot be connected to pc for pcvr games! The actual rumors say that the Apple XR HMD will only have a minimal SoC onboard that is ...
10 Best 2 Player Shooting Games On PS4 Tom ClaytonJune 3, 2024 Are you looking for a shooting game that you can play on the PS4? Disclosure As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. You can learn more aboutour editorial policies here. ...
However, thanks to the sheer volume of games on offer through Steam, finding the very creme of the crop can be a tall task, especially for those who might not be as familiar with Valve's online store. Fortunately, you've come to the right place. From thebest single-player gamesto the...