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SetDedicatedServer voidSetDedicatedServer(boolbDedicated ); 名稱Type說明 bDedicatedbool此為專屬伺服器(true),或監聽伺服器(false)? 備註: SetGameData voidSetGameData(constchar*pchGameData ); 名稱型別說明 pchGameDataconst char *要為「gamedata」設定的新值。 不能為NULL或空白字串("")。 不可比k_cb...
1.用户误操作不小心将程序安装目录中的动态链接库DLL文件删除,导致程序启动时无法找到必要的文件而报错(这种情况并不是普遍存在的,但也是原因之一)。2.电脑感染木马病毒,虽然如今大多数杀毒软件已经趋于人性化,一旦发现某些木马病毒绑定系统程序,还是有不少杀毒软件采用一刀切的方式,直接 将这些被恶意绑...
ISteamGameServerStats 的成员函数通过全局访问器函数 SteamGameServerStats() 调用。 ClearUserAchievement bool ClearUserAchievement( CSteamID steamIDUser, const char *pchName ); 名称类型描述 steamIDUser CSteamID 要清空其成就的用户的 Steam ID。 pchName const char * 要解锁的成就的“API 名称”。重置...
Steam 全球流量图(最近 7 天) 每个点代表的是最近 24 小时内,来自至少一名 Steam 用户的 Steam 下载活动情况。 Steam 下载使用带宽(最近 48 小时) 0 Gbps 10,000 Gbps 20,000 Gbps 30,000 Gbps 40,000 Gbps 50,000 Gbps 当前峰值 总计使用带宽:28.4 Tbps41.9 Tbps ...
Fix 5. Fix Cloud Status: Unable to Sync by Repairing Library FolderCorrupted files within the Steam library folders or the game can generate this error. Luckily, Steam has built-in functions to verify the game file's integrity and repair the library folder during such an event. Follow the ...
[00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/images.zip successful. [00:00:00]: Mounting file system databundles/scripts.zip successful. [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(10999, 27016) [00:00:00]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success...
CS2 and CS:GO Server Status by Region Server Status Legend Steam Server Maintenance occurs every Tuesday and primarily affects the Steam Community servers which results in delays for the Player Inventories. Normal This service is operating within normal parameters ...
TitleActivationStatus what stage of game ownership the user is listed as being in, from Steam SteamCountry string the country in which the player resides, from Steam data SteamCurrency Currency currency type set in the user Steam account SteamId string Steam identifier SteamName string Ste...
开始运行 输入chkdsk /f 确定 重启电脑 等电脑自检修复 然后开始运行 输入msconfig 启动把相关的DLL文件前面的勾去掉