If your Steam says that the Game is running but it is not showing on your Windows 11/10 PC, then one of these suggestions is sure to resolve the issue. Check Task Manager Restart Steam Reboot your computer Verify Game Integrity Reinstall the Game Let us talk about them in detail. 1] ...
steam必须运行才能玩这款游戏。解释如下:这句话的意思是,为了玩这款游戏,必须先运行Steam平台。Steam是一个流行的游戏平台,许多游戏都需要通过这个平台来启动和玩。当游戏提示“steam must be running to play this game”时,意味着该游戏依赖于Steam平台来运行,因此在尝试玩这款游戏之前...
Failed to start game (app already running) This error is most commonly seen when launching a game that has closed improperly with a silent crash, or that is failing to launch properly. Sometimes, the game may already be running under a different user account within your operating system. ...
这句话的意思是,为了玩这款游戏,必须先运行Steam平台。Steam是一个流行的游戏平台,许多游戏都需要通过这个平台来启动和玩。因此,当系统提示“steam must be running to play this game”时,意味着在尝试运行或启动这款游戏之前,必须确保已经打开了Steam平台。这是游戏运行的必要前提。这样...
大佬们求助啊 , 游戏进不去啊, 显示steam not running 大佬们求助啊 , 游戏进不去啊, 显示steam not running ,3DMGAME论坛
每次打开巫师三都提示game is already running 只看楼主收藏回复 miaofu30 默默无闻 1 这个是咋回事,重启打开也一样 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-01-16 14:11回复 枫の飘羽 富有名气 8 测试里改成原版能运行,或者删了存档重新下试试 来自iPhone客户端2楼2023-01-16 14:32 回复 miaofu30...
战网提示 steam..之前买了steam版的 然后去网吧战网的登不上退款以后买了战网版的然后回家以后 启动游戏提示这个 STEAM也卸载重装了 steam里的游戏也删了暗黑4的客户端是用战网下下来的 登陆之后还是提示 st
steam must..回复楼上:开了离线不会提醒这个回答楼主:这个提示翻译过来是:你必须登陆steam才能开始这个游戏,如果你玩的是正版,那么在steam里开启游戏即可,如果是盗版,下个免steam补丁即可
求助steam mu..Steam must be running to play this games,今天买了收获日2,下载完安装开始游戏就这样了,咋子个办12各位大神,有解决方法吗你们都质疑我没开steam我都要哭出来了你们还在纠结英语