Vampyr+347.0%567 Bully: Scholarship Edition+255.9%673 Grand Theft Auto III - The Definitive Edition+232.8%377 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition+221.1%715 Top GamesBy Current Players NameCurrent PlayersLast 30 DaysPeak PlayersHours Played ...
On Steam, the top 1% of games earn more than $25 million. Half of the Steam games (50%) even do not earn $5,000. There are only 12 games that have Platinum ratings on Steam. On average, 63 games sales for every review on Steam. Over 50,000 games are available on U.S. Steam ...
SteamIMDB is a web based application for displaying a Steam games catalog. It was inspired by the IMDB site for created by Col Needham. SteamIMDB is coded in javascript and utlizes the react, express, and mongo frameworks. - Iheuzio/steamdb
近日Twitch游戏部门的负责人Bill Young在领英发帖,对Steam平台2024年的游戏销量数据进行了分析。作为PC游戏玩家首选平台,2024年Steam平台上共发布了18995款新游戏,与2023年的14307款相比增长了33%,然而Bill Young表示这其中有79%的游戏被归类为“受限制的游戏”(Limited Games),即那些销量低迷、内容匮乏、缺乏社区互动...
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You can find the ID on SteamDB for Steam games, and for non-Steam games, you can use third-party tools to get the ID. Step 2:Move to theCompact datafolder. /home/deck/.steam/steam/steamapps/compact data/ Step 3:Now, navigate to/SteamID/.pfx/drive_c and save the game's storage...
Steam 数据聚合网站SteamDB 是每个玩家都会使用的一个网站,它可以追踪每个新版本的表现如何,以及这款或那款备受期待的续作在玩家数量上能否赶上或超过前作。统计页面对 2024 年 Steam 上的游戏发行情况进行了相当简短、概括的介绍。根据 SteamDB 的数据,今年 Steam 上发行了 18949 款新游戏,远远超过了去年的 14310...
1月24日,Steam平台宣布《荒野大镖客:救赎2》的新史低价,给广大玩家带来了不小的惊喜。这款由Rockstar Games开发的西部开放世界游戏,以其精美的画面、细腻的人物刻画和引人入胜的剧情,已获得了大量玩家的喜爱。今日,SteamDB数据显示,《荒野大镖客:救赎2》现已以69.75元的价格进行促销,较之前的92.07元再降二十多元...
You can use websites likeSteamDBto track these promotions, or make a habit of checking ther/FreeGamesOnSteamor evenr/steamdealssubreddits. Promotions usually only last a day or two but include full-price games that you can keep forever as if you'd bought them for full price. A Google ...
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