好不容易让基友们提起了性♂致,这要是前功尽弃、付诸东流,基友们说不定就贤者时间、累感不爱啦 分享289 无人深空吧 112033344 无人深空 把Xbox存档转入SteamPC xbox —> Steam (反向同理) 提前准备: 1、Steam需要一个新的存档 准备工具: 1、NomNom Save Editor 2、No Man’s Sky Save Editor 3、...
for the Steam savegame logic in the manifest.xml for FF8 for the real-time SFX volume change for FF7 quantumpencilandNax: for the original CMake files FFNx has based its work upon for all the help in getting some logics wired up in the game engine and a lot of hex addresses I woul...
This is a bug when using the 1998 version of FF7 on Windows Vista or 7; the game tries to cut out MIDI music, but since the OS no longer has a separate control for MIDI, it ends up cutting out sound altogether.I haven't tried it yet, but I assume using the latest version of A...
衫衫也有遇到,大概在整個重玩過程中,約 40 小時內出現過 3 次,全部都是在載入戰鬥時出現,但因為 Steam 版 FF9 已有 Auto Save 功能,因此只要重新再次開啟遊戲按 Continuous 就可以,問題影響不大。 FF9 個人心得 重玩FF9 的玩家,不妨多參考外國網站攻略及完整各區地圖。 不要在 Disk 4 才進行 “陸行鳥掘寶"...
具体https://www.jianshu.com/p/a0aaff7204b0查看这个连接 接下来我说的是新方法 这边通过油猴脚本的翻译的代码解决的,这个油猴脚本是可以翻译screeps:world的网页版,那么只需要一点手段也可以翻译steam版本的screeps:world https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/416651-screeps-chinese-pack这个是油猴脚本的地址 ...
for the Steam savegame logic in the manifest.xml for FF8 for the real-time SFX volume change for FF7 quantumpencilandNax: for the original CMake files FFNx has based its work upon for all the help in getting some logics wired up in the game engine and a lot of hex addresses I woul...