name and shame these games are not DRM free at any source. they either require steam to run, use their own launcher, use online-drm or many other forms of DRM. avoid these games. ¥ 83.00 免费开玩 免费试用版 ¥ 298.00 -80% ...
©2025 Valve Corporation。保留所有权利。所有商标均为其在美国及其它国家/地区的各自持有者所有。 所有的价格均已包含增值税(如适用)。 隐私政策 | 法律信息 | Steam 订户协议 | 退款 | Cookie 关于Valve | 工作机会 | Steamworks | Steam 分销 | 客服 | 礼物卡 | | | ...
Download the best games on Windows & Mac. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love.
求解drm-fre..比如这个hjb2包里的 死光 写着drmfree 但是又有死光的key如果我下载了那个网页上提供的死光 是必须要用那个key才能玩儿 ;还是说 不需要那个key死光安装完成就能玩儿?
Download the best games on Windows & Mac. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love.
drm free是啥..有时候买的慈善包会收录一些drm free的游戏请问这些游戏和从steam商店里下载的有啥区别吗?
Following big releases such as Street Fighter 6, Redfall, and Hogwarts Legacy launching with Denuvo DRM, a popular thread on the PC Gaming Reddit has reignited the call for Valve to implement ‘DRM-free’ as a listable feature, which has garnered thousands of upvotes since it was posted. ...
购买了hb的游戏,再把steam key卖掉,自己玩drm-free,是盗版吗 首先,在你的库中是一定会有你的游戏的,根据steam协议中购买的游戏后你就会得到永久使用权力。除非你购买了低价区E区独联体的黑礼物或key导致游戏回收,你的游戏会与你的账号永久绑定另外,如果你的是免费游
我想到一个办法,就是需要的人留下邮箱,然后设置一下邮箱的自动转发。以后只需要向邮箱里发邮件,大家就都可以收到啦!但是还有个问题,万一有傻逼删掉连接就QNMLGB了 回复 14楼 2013-08-16 03:34 举报 | 来自手机贴吧 fg6709ie 小有壕气 9 国王的恩赐已下,多谢楼主了 收起回复 15楼 2013-08-16 05:43 ...
For DRM encrypted videos, Steam must be able to allocate a license to begin playback. If you receive an error message indicating a license could not be retrieved, please restart Steam and attempt to watch the video again. I am receiving an error about HDCP, what do I do?If you receive...