清除下载缓存可以解决游戏不能下载或启动的问题。 注意: 此过程不会影响您当前已安装的游戏,但是需要您在完成后重新登录 Steam。 在您的 Steam 客户端左上角的菜单,选择“Steam” > “设置”,打开设置面板。 在设置面板里,选择“下载”选项卡,您将在底端找到“清除下载缓存”按钮。
Clear download cacheClearing your download cache can solve problems with games that won't download or start. Note:This process will not affect your currently installed games, but you will need to log into Steam afterwards.From your Steam Client, open the Settings panel by selecting "Steam > ...
For most people, deleting the Package folder and clearing the download cache works, but it’s not the same for everyone. So, let’s dive right into the solution of Steam stuck on starting download. 1. Delete The Package Folder As mentioned several times above, the first thing and the mos...
we find the error is often related to the appmanifest folder. Some other factors, including download cache, corrupt game files, insufficient permission, antivirus interference, and even hard drive errors are also responsible for the problem. ...
Found (数字) installed wallpapers.Continue overwriting ACF and clearing steam download cache??(解析完成,找到999999999999个已安装的壁纸,同时覆盖ACF和清除steam下载缓存。点击是)③、第三个弹窗是已重新备份,然后去steam上重新验证的意思,没啥好说的,再点确定。
2) Delete that folder. (You might want to backup that folder just in case).2)删除该文件夹。(你可能需要备份该文件夹以防万一)。3) Restart the game.3)重新开始游戏。重置后后你可以重新设置游戏画面分辨率什么的Win11游戏卡死以及崩溃问题解决,亲测有效!!! 3楼2024-02-01 18:18 回复 诺亚方舟0O...
I added my other hard drive (G:/Program Files(x86)/Steam) as a new library folder, and set it to "default" Then I cleared the download cache and tried again, and voila! It worked! It looks like it is using my G:/ drive folder as the download cache and then transfers ...
Click on theClear Download Cachebutton. On the next pop-up window, click on theOKbutton to confirm your action. Solution 5 – Repair the Library Folder on Steam The Steam library folder comprises all games installed on your disk. Now, coming to the solution, these Steam folders need to be...
After adding the folder, right-click on it and make it the default Steam download location by clicking on theMake Default Folderoption. 9. Disable Download Throttling If you’ve enabled the Steam app to throttle downloads while streaming, you will be able to stream at the fastest possible pa...
ClickBrowse…to browse to the folder where you wish to create the backup files. ClickCreate Backupto begin the backup process. Once complete, chooseOpen folderto move or burn copies of the backup files Now, quit Steam. On your keyboard, press theWindows logo keyandRat the same time to inv...