这四种方法要试试 steam下载速度慢的问题是很多玩家头疼的点,而且现在新出的游戏容量是一个比一个大,下载一款游戏需要太久太久。今天小编为大家带来了四种方案,可以有效帮助大家提高下载速度,快来看看吧。 方法一:更改设置 1.打开Steam客户端,在Steam主界面的左上角找到“Steam”按钮,点击; 2.选择“设置”,在左...
it can be a headache at times. Especially when you have a new title out on Steam, you purchased it, and you are anxious to try it out. And, the download speed is extremely slow. There is nothing else needed to make you angry at that moment. ...
If Steam is taking too much time in unpacking games on your computer, you can speed up games' unpacking process on Steam using these tips.
All in all, the entire community is interested in understanding how to fix the slow download speed on Steam. If that is one of your concerns, do not worry; in this post, we have curated a list of ways you can fix the slow downloads on Steam. Check out the next section for solutions!
在桌面应用中打开 您尚未登录! 在Steam 应用中打开此页面即可关注、购买和查看所推荐的游戏,或是将其加入愿望单。 社区中心 Timeray You Have Time Powers Like Stoping Time,TimeBall To Slow Down Specific Target, TimeSphere Which Stops Time In Range And Timeray Etc... ...
Speed up Steam game downloads 1] Check your network status One of the main reasons why users experience slow downloads has a lot to do with a slow internet connection. We suggest making sure network cables if you’re using a wire, is properly inserted in all ports. ...
One personeven commentedthat they switched to the Huton, Texas, server because Minneapolis was bogged down, and they got a full DL speed. Try these fixes and see if they help. Steam players can take comfort in knowing they’re not the only ones having problems. Many players on Xboxcan’...
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 takes the bulls-eye precision of its predecessor to new and exciting heights! 最近评测: 多半好评(33) 全部评测: 多半好评(13,003) 发行日期: 2013 年 3 月 11 日 开发商: City Interactive 发行商: CI Games 该产品的热门用户自定义标签: ...
It seems like i got some success using nvidia-xrun, but it is pretty slow :( not sure what to do to speed up alex9099 commented Jun 22, 2017 For some reason it does not work again ... maybe some upgrade? Conzar commented Jul 7, 2017 I'm getting the same error again. lubosz...
As such, here are a few ways to get a faster download speed on Steam for Windows. 1. Check for Internet Issues Before blaming the Steam client, ensure your internet connection isn't slow and causing Steam to take longer than usual to download your games. Testing your connection speed is ...