我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,似乎您的Steam Deck控制器无法使用。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法:1. 重新连接控制器:尝试将控制器从电脑上断开并再次重新连接到电脑,这可能会解决一些问题。如果控制器的电池电量不足或与电脑的连接有问题,它可能会导致图标显示红色并且切换...
其实很简单,就是切换到桌面模式,用触摸屏打开steam程序,点左上角steam菜单-设置,找到控制器-常规控制器设置,把通用手柄配置支持前面打勾,其他几种配置支持打勾也行,看个人使用情况,最后点下面的取消控制器隐藏的按钮,一会系统就会自动检测到steam Controller Neptune这时再点返回按钮,双摇杆就这么回来了!这时再回到...
5月 14 日消息,今年 3 月,Steam Deck 官方宣布推出 Windows 驱动程序,包括 GPU、WiFi 及蓝牙的驱动程序,并正在与 AMD 和其他合作方一同制作音频驱动,为 Steam 平台带来官方 Win11 支持。 现在,Valve 终于通过在 Steam 平台上发布适用于 Windows 的官方音频驱动程序解决了这个问题,这也意味着那些在掌机上安装 Win...
Now, you can check for Windows updates and install all available bits on the device. You can now also install any additional Windows apps you want on your Steam Deck! In addition, you can install the SWICD driver to make Windows treat your Steam Deck as a game controller without the ...
Steam Deck原版BIOS:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ZYAKtTtuvDkBClDjOnkpYw?pwd=SDFW 提取码:SDFW 这个BIOS是16M的大小,我们也可以自己找办法解锁这个BIOS的高级选项,以及修改相应设置,前面我发的专栏也提到过解锁方法和其中用到的工具,这个BIOS的解锁方法貌似和常见的有些不一样,例如常见的Setup Menu Insyde Full...
(Windows) Steam Deck Tools - Fan, Overlay, Power Control and Steam Controller for Windows windowssteamcontrolfan-controlosdsteamcontrollertdpfan-control-driversteamdecksteamdeckwindows UpdatedMay 30, 2024 C# RetroDECK brings you an all-in-one sandboxed application to play your retro games (and even...
Create anew folderwith a name you'll remember, like 'Steam Deck.' Navigate to theofficial Windows Resources download page. Download all the driver archives* andunpack themto your new folder. * We'll need these drivers when Windows completes its initial installation. Although most functionality is...
The 8BitDo Ultimate C Wired Controller was designed with respect for the classics. We paid extra attention to the most critical characteristics like the D-pad, to make sure it feels exactly like you remember it. Play any game, anywhere Windows, Android, Raspberry Pi, Steam Deck. 8BitDo c...
SteamdeckWIndowsControllerDriver (SWICD) This work-in-progress driver maps the Steam deck's built-in controller to a virtual ViGEm XBox 360 Controller. The layout is customizeable using the gui. Installation Driver Status Settings Profiles
楼主你能正常运行这个mod吗,我把文件放deck 饥荒mods文件夹下面进游戏还是用不了 而且出来再去看这个文件夹内容已经被清空了 放电脑饥荒文件夹里电脑连手柄也没法用,运行之后也会被清空 13楼2023-10-22 18:33 收起回复 gongyue522 请看置頂 1 我一直用手柄玩,今天打开饥荒,发现simple controller没了,突然慌了...