IT之家 11 月 3 日消息,StorageReview 实验室近日改造 Steam Deck 游戏掌机,改装使用了 Solidigm P5336 企业级 SSD,容量提高到了 61.44TB。目前在 Valve 平台,Steam Deck 最高容量为 512GB。而 Steam Deck 最高支持单个 2230 M.2 SSD,上限为 2TB。StorageReview 实验室为了改造成功,使用 NFHK 的 M...
IT之家 11 月 3 日消息,StorageReview 实验室近日改造 Steam Deck 游戏掌机,改装使用了 Solidigm P5336 企业级 SSD,容量提高到了 61.44TB。 目前在 Valve 平台,Steam Deck 最高容量为 512GB。而 Steam Deck 最高支持单个 2230 M.2 SSD,上限为 2TB。 StorageReview 实验室为了改造成功,使用 NFHK 的 M.2...
IT之家11 月 3 日消息,StorageReview 实验室近日改造 Steam Deck 游戏掌机,改装使用了 Solidigm P5336 企业级 SSD,容量提高到了 61.44TB。 目前在 Valve 平台,Steam Deck 最高容量为 512GB。而 Steam Deck 最高支持单个 2230 M.2 SSD,上限为 2TB。 StorageReview 实验室为了改造成功,使用 NFHK 的 M.2 ...
The Steam Deck comes with a base configuration offering just 64GB of eMMC storage, with upgraded models providing up to a 1TB SSD with the OLED model. Here's our guide on how to upgrade your Steam Deck SSD, to 1TB or even 2TB, with instructions and bench
Then just follow the steps below toswap the SSD. Plug it in to bring it out of battery storage mode and, hey presto, it should boot no questions asked. How to reimage the Steam Deck SSD If you're ok with starting over from scratch with a new SteamOS, start here. The first step is...
IT之家 11 月 3 日消息,StorageReview 实验室近日改造 Steam Deck 游戏掌机,改装使用了 Solidigm P5336 企业级 SSD,容量提高到了 61.44TB。 目前在 Valve 平台,Steam Deck 最高容量为 512GB。而 Steam Deck 最高支持单个 2230 M.2 SSD,上限为 2TB。
大佬将Steam Deck“变砖”:不再是掌机但方便携带 最近我第一次亲眼看到了 Steam Deck,才意识到这款掌上电脑实际上有多大。当初我已经觉得 PS Vita 的体积和重量不方便携带,Steam Deck对于随时随地有玩游戏来说可能确实有些不方便。 改装大佬 Diyer Crastinator-Pro 显然也是这么认为的。他最近分享了自己的新改装...
More storage means more games While the top model Steam Deck comes with a 512GB SSD, the middle variant just has a 256GB drive, and the cheapest version has merely 64GB of eMMC, which is not only small but has slow transfer speeds. A great thing to do isjust upgrade the SSD yourself...
If you want a boost in storage capacity for your Steam Deck, we have a list of some of the best around for you from SSDs to microSD cards.
The Steam Deck remains one of the top choices as handhelds. However, like any other PC gaming device, you might need to upgrade its storage to cram even more games. Even though Valve believes in your endeavors of right-to-repair, upgrading your Steam Deck’s SSD is no easy feat. So,...