steam deck..steam里运行cemu,通用设置里将语言设为中文(设置完要关掉重启刷新cemu语言),游戏路径设置到解压后的塞尔达games-The Legend of Zelda…文件夹,然后MLC路径设置为ML
Looking for some games to try out your new Steam Deck? Join us as highlight the best steam deck games to play in 2025!
Network Connectivity Authentication protocols- We're aware of potential issues with connectivity on Steam Deck when using PEAP or WEP authentication. We recommend testing with a different protocol if possible. WiFi frequency- If you have both a 5GHz and 2.4GHz connection available on your network, ...
求助 老哥们,我SD..My steamdeck's pre order expired. Because my email couldn't give me a prompt in time, and I
You can now download the latest version of GameMaker, 2022.3. The update brings SteamDeck support, new filters, and video playback, along with a way for...
在您的 Steam Deck 开发者套件上,导航到库,找到名为“Devkit Game: 您的游戏名称”的新游戏,选择它并运行。 如文章开篇所述,在直接上传和测试您自己的游戏之前,我们建议您先在 Steam Deck 开发者套件上安装 Steam 上另一款使用 Steam Play(Proton)的游戏,并运行该游戏。 这将确保 Proton 及其所有依赖项都已安...
博德之门3可以在SteamDeck上玩吗 《博德之门3》的抢先体验版已经能够在Steam Deck上运行了,但玩家们报告的结果是好坏参半。 虽然它的确能够玩,但仍有人抱怨游戏的的帧率较低。 本作即将正式发售,据thegamer消息,拉瑞安的发行总监表示,正式版游戏能够在Steam Deck上运行,并且将其运行效果描述为“绝对狂野”。
启动Chiaki4deck。Host 填入上面 PS5 的 IP 地址。 查看PSN Account-ID。打开输入 PSN 用户名查询 Encoded ID (for Chiaki)。特别注意这个 ID 不是昵称,也不是登录账户。我就搞不清输错了多次,汗。 查看PIN 码。打开 PS5 主机,在远程游玩那查询安全码。
Can I run desktop apps at the same time as Steam games in Deck mode? Yep! When running a game or app, just hit the steam button and go to your Home / Library to launch another application. It will show up in the left-hand menu, which you can use to switch back and forth. This...
anti-cheat middleware” will apparently go live this Monday, January 24th. “We’re very excited to be able to make this announcement as it means partners can continue to use their existing cheat prevention tools while adding support for more amazing games on Steam Deck,” the update concludes...