由于现在的deck可能是缺少中文字库的原因?无法正常显示,像一些游戏一样显示方块。所以只能用英文了,不过好在都不难。2.然后我们主要设置一下他的rom读取路径,Linux版的mame不像win版那样在根目录里就有给roms文件夹给你放rom,他其实有一个默认路径,不过很难找,所以我们重新设置一个,ganeral settings——configure ...
前置条件: 1. 进入desktop桌面模式(参考decktop篇) 2. 能够访问Google(请参考网络加速篇) 安装步骤: 1. 访问EmuDeck官网:<https://emudeck.com/> ,点击右上角download,然后点击download installer。 image.png 2. 把下载的文件(Install EmuDeck)拖到桌面(desktop),双击运行,正常的话会出现一个黑色控制台,并且...
下面我们直接在桌面模式打开cemu,设置步骤和整合版说明说明一样,注意一下加载游戏的路径是在z盘里(z\:home/deck/Emulation/roms/wiiu/xxxx),还有就是如果图形补丁没有的话,右下角可以点击下载(Download latest Community graphic pack)。这些都设置好以后可以在cemu里打开看一下是否汉化成功,如果没有的话检查一下...
More from The Gaming Setup How to Setup Discord on PS5 Redragon K530 Draconic Review – Entering 60% The Steam Deck Emulation Guide (Emudeck & more)
From the Steam Deck Desktop Mode, open theFile Managerapp. Navigate to theSD Card > Emulation > romsfolder. Open another File Explorer window. Navigate to your External Storage device. Locate the ROMs and games that you want to transfer. ...
yuzu模拟器和steamdeck游戏存档同步的方法包括但不限于以下步骤:1. 在电脑端找到相应的游戏存档文件,通常位于yuzu模拟器安装目录下的"roms"文件夹内。2. 将找到的存档文件复制到电脑中可长期存储的位置,如个人电脑的硬盘上。3. 在steamdeck上安装相同的游戏,并确保已经登录了与电脑端相同的steam账号。4. 将刚才复...
Here's how to make the download speeds on the Steam Deck even faster. Unlocking faster download speeds requires a few steps Tomohiro Ohsumi/Getty Images Reddit userGawdamn69posted the multi-step solution on the site sometime in the middle of November. The result, they said, bumped their spee...
What if I don’t have a PC, can I still use EmuDeck?Yes, in the above video you see where/how to launch the Firefox web browser while inDesktop Mode. Using that, you can download the games you own. Then, using the Dolphin File Manager, you can copy any BIOS/ROMs to the location...
I got an SD card initiated when I got my Deck, a 256 GB. I realized that I underestimated the amount of space I'd use, so I just got a 512 GB. My question is, should I just reinstall Steam games/retransfer ROMs for use with Emudeck, or if I use cloning software, would I just...
EEROMS 锋芒毕露 3 没下载成功。你的网络无法连接github服务器。你要装Plugin Loader?试试搜"使用 ToMoon 永久解决 Steam Deck 网络问题"文章。里面的地址可以安装, 来自Android客户端2楼2024-07-07 05:13 收起回复 登录百度账号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频!