In addition to these two categories, Valve also labels games it hasn't tested yet as "Unknown," which may or may not work, as well as "Unsupported" for games that do not run on the Steam Deck. Every VR game falls under this category, but numerous multiplayer titles do too, especially...
Steam Deck lets you take your favorite PC games wherever you go. Here's our favorite PC games to play on the go with Valve's handheld.
【GameSpot】Steam Deck OLED 首秀共计2条视频,包括:Steam Deck OLED First Look、一键三连等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
【Gamespot:SteamDeck改变了PC游戏游玩方式】Gamespot撰文表示,Steam Deck最大的胜利就是它想方设法地简化了在PC玩游戏的过程。V社也为Steam开发了类似主机的界面模式Big Picture Mode,但它完全达不到SteamOS的表现。其精巧的UI界面让玩家查看库以及购买游戏都变得更简单,没有那些繁琐的操作。独有的验证标识也能让...
PC掌机在2023年展现出了惊人的生命力,继Vlave在2022年推出了SteamDeck之后,2023年又有大量的优秀产品出现。外媒Gamespot发表了观点文章称:PC游戏掌机的现状展现了光明的未来。 以下为原文: 去年,Valve通过推出Steam Deck彻底改变了PC游戏。这款便携式PC平台虽然并非是首次尝试该类型的机器,但凭借Valve工程师的经验和与...
2、Steam掌机九折啦!庆祝 Steam Deck 问世一周年,畅享折扣、全新启动影片,以及更多精彩 Steam春季特卖期间 Steam Deck 限时 9 折优惠 3、《迪士尼无限飞车》预定2023年4月18日在steam/EPIC/NS/Xbox/PS4|5上推出 欢迎来到《迪士尼无限飞车》! 投身终极英雄战斗赛车游戏,去充满迪士尼和皮克斯风格的极速赛道上肆意驰骋...
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©2019 Deck13 and Focus Home Interactive. The Surge and its logo are registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. Deck13 and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Deck13. Focus Home Interactive and its logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Focus Home Interactive. All...
To make sure that players aren’t disappointed once they finally have theirSteam Decks, Valve has said it would test every single game on Steam for the handheld console. The statement comes as part of alarger postregarding the Steam Deck’s verification process, which grades games based on th...
Steam Deck 兼容性 包括33 项 Steam 成就 查看 所有33 项 名称:Erica 类型:休闲,独立 开发商:Flavourworks 发行商:Flavourworks 发行日期:2021 年 5 月 25 日 访问网站X 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 购买Erica $11.99 添加至购物车 ...