A year after launching the Steam Deck OLED, Valve has announced plans to offer a new limited edition model that has a white body rather than the usual black. The new Steam Deck OLED: Limited Edition White will go on sale November 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM Eastern and it will be available ...
On the surface, the Steam Deck OLED sounds like a Switch OLED-style upgrade with new display technology, but that’s not the case at all. The Steam Deck OLED is much more of a revision than its naming scheme might let on. Ourinitial teardown of the Steam Deck OLEDrevealed that Valve ...
Last year, we released a smoky translucent limited edition Steam Deck OLED as an experiment to find out if there was interest in alternative colorways (there was!). This is our second experiment along those lines. The difference this time (aside from the color!) is that we're able to sh...
人机炼金术师创建的收藏夹人机炼金术师内容:蒸汽甲板oled 美国加拿大特供限定版本 新鲜开箱 Steam Deck OLED Limited edition,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Two big things have arrived. The first is that you can attempt to grab the sleek looking Steam Deck OLED: Limited Edition White right now, and the Steam Deck is now available in Australia.
Valve is launching a new white limited edition Steam Deck OLED model, which is available for purchase on November 18.
STEAM DECKOLED 在美国和加拿大发售,数量有限: Steam Deck OLED 限量版。 具备 1TB 型号的所有规格和优点,更有朦胧半透明配色! 为了最大限度地减少抢购软件的影响,限量版仅对 2023 年 11 月前进行过购买的帐户开放购买。 正在载入… 预订服务器正忙,请重试。
The next limited-edition Steam Deck OLED comes in white, and will be available globally this time A lighter shade of Deck Nov. 11, 2024James Archer 32 comments Guide How to record game clips on the Steam Deck Clip and share your Steam game adventures (or mishaps) on the move ...
开抢:Steam Deck OLED 1TB 纯白限量款 $679.00 数量有限 先到先得 Steam 现有 Steam Deck OLED 1TB 纯白限量款数量有限 先到先得,现价$679.00。 美国境内免运费。 点击购买>> 小编推荐:Steam Deck 的 X 平台官方账号今天展示了 V 社即将在北京时间 11 月 19 日限量发售的白色版 Steam Deck OLED 游戏机,...
A limited edition Steam Deck OLED: White Edition has been announced and it will be available in every region where the Steam Deck has officially launched.