steam cont..我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,似乎您的Steam Deck控制器无法使用。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法:1. 重新连接控制器:尝试将控制器从电脑上断开并再次
there is a way to make your Deck into an actual controller, even though Valve never designed the Steam Deck to be used like that.A very clever Reddit user figured out how to do exactly that
3. 下载B站“拜托了小峰峰”的steamdeck掌机专用软件 BV1rR4y1r7oH 看视频简介,全部下载安装4. 打开下载的手柄程序名字是:steam controller,打开后,任务栏右键图标,把360或者360 with rumble 打勾✔5. 下载闪优助手3,打开后识别为360手柄,后开始映射按键6. 打开dnf 开玩,闪优和steam controller不能关闭这样...
Using an Xbox controller on the Steam Deck: Once paired, you can use an Xbox controller just like you would the Steam Deck's built-in controls, and since their button arrangements are identical, there's really no configuration needed. Just hop into a game. PlayStation How to use a Play...
Instead, if you would like a "true" controller experience,you can set up a VirtualHere USB serverthat will simulate a controller via the Steam Deck. It's a very involved process that will take a bit of setup, but it will work as if it were a native Steam Controller on your PC. ...
其实很简单,就是切换到桌面模式,用触摸屏打开steam程序,点左上角steam菜单-设置,找到控制器-常规控制器设置,把通用手柄配置支持前面打勾,其他几种配置支持打勾也行,看个人使用情况,最后点下面的取消控制器隐藏的按钮,一会系统就会自动检测到steam Controller Neptune这时再点返回按钮,双摇杆就这么回来了!这时再回到...
I should note that the Steam Deck has two mouse-like trackpads, one on each side of the device, while the Legion Go only has one. One area where Legion Go outshines Steam Deck in this regard is in its detachable Switch-like controllers; the Steam Deck is all one contiguous unit that...
Steam Deck的摇杆帽比较没有防滑性。虽然摇杆帽上面有一点防滑纹理,但实在是太滑了。摇杆帽上面整个是光滑的,侧面防滑纹理又不是很突出,感觉没有一样。比不过Xbox或者PS4手柄的防滑摇杆帽。就连他们自家的Steam Controller摇杆帽都比不过。当然了,这个问题也很好解决,套个合适的摇杆帽蘑菇头就好。对比一下Steam Cont...
An FAQ for the Steam Deck has revealed some new information on the upcoming handheld from Valve. The Steam Deck can be used as a PC controller via Remote Play. The handheld features two thumbsticks, two track pads, d-pad, A/B/X/Y face buttons, and more. Steam Deck can technically...
ayufan/steam-deck-tools Star999 (Windows) Steam Deck Tools - Fan, Overlay, Power Control and Steam Controller for Windows windowssteamcontrolfan-controlosdsteamcontrollertdpfan-control-driversteamdecksteamdeckwindows UpdatedMay 30, 2024 C# RetroDECK/RetroDECK ...