如何实现SteamDeck3.4.4系统桌面模式实体键盘中英文输入切换 7375 0 00:31 App Steamdeck,“Steam”以及“…”按键失灵,非硬件故障,暂时找不到解决方法。 5.5万 16 05:19 App 键盘按键映射小工具keytweak 1.9万 5 07:23 App Steam Deck上手基本使用教程之windows篇 5.3万 106 07:22 App Steam Deck到手后...
官网地址:https://github.com/mK防吞enfenheuer/steam-deck-windows-usermode-driver看installation下面需要按顺序安装:ViGEm Bus driver分流:https://pan.baidu.c防吞om/s/1elZmWpVT_1u-d1Rtied41A?pwd=mtj3Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package分流:https://pan.baidu.com防吞/s/1FQN76Quc6icTfu...
Windows其实是用下来这个是比较简单的…首先打一个Windows包(最简单的譬如说Unity里Build一个PC包),然后按照How to debug Windows games on Steam Deck,通过Devkit上传到真机即可,唯一需要注意的是确保勾上Steam Play(也就是启用Wine+Proton这套机制)——当然这点其实也可以在Deck上直接调出对应设置。 需要补充的其实...
第四是系统语言,进入桌面模式(不知道怎么进看上文),点九点图标找到齿轮图标的设置,进入最下面的System页面,将Language切换成中文,重启主机后生效。 顺道添加一下输入法切换,设置中进入Keyboard,按下图添加中文拼音输入法。 最后,如果你用的是台式机,找到Sk ChimeraOS Tools这个软件,打开。 把InputPlumber给关掉,这是...
● 第三是设备适配,华硕Ally这类掌机可以轻松安装SteamOS衍生系统,装完就可以变身SteamDeck了,体验会比Windows更好。 以上说的这些优势,建议大家亲身体验下,光是看文字很难有直观感受,反正奇美拉系统是免费开源的,安装也不麻烦,试试不花钱。 目前SteamOS的衍生项目主要有三个,简单介绍下: ...
Wired keyboard and mouse (optional) If you have a USB-C docking station with a card reader, you can also install Windows on an SSD. If you want to replace SteamOS with Windows, you'll need a separate USB drive larger than 16GB. Once you've done the above, read on to install Windows...
Which version of Windows should I install on my Steam Deck? Windows 11 is the preferred option for the Steam Deck since Valve routinely updates itslist of drivers. Previously, Windows 10 was the stable choice, but improvements to firmware on the handheld meant that either is now viable. For...
In this quick guide, we will be showing you how you can use the Steam Deck keyboard while in desktop mode. While in gaming mode on your Steam Deck, you will find that any text box opens up an easy-to-use keyboard. This keyboard has been designed with the Steam Decks input in mind....
It's hard to beat the comfort and convenience of our full Steam libraries available whenever and wherever we want them. And so many of the great games on Steam don't demand a beat of a PC or a keyboard and mouse. There are more than 10,000 games on Steam marked Verified/Playable ...
steam deck双系统上手使用教程,win系统里鼠标,虚拟键盘,以及手柄驱动的使用教程。 虚拟键盘到底该怎么搞 rog ally逆天键盘呼出😅 (软件推荐)SystemKeyBoard虚拟键盘软件 SteamDeckOled WIN11wifi驱动分享 SteamDeckOled Win11初步体验 steam新版本手柄映射界面的几处改变 电脑开启虚拟键盘方法 Steam虚拟键盘关闭方...