由于这些二手设备的来源可能不明确,V社(Valve Corporation,Steam Deck的制造商)可能不会为这些设备提供保修服务。近日,在Steam Deck的官方板块Reddit上,有用户发帖警告称,在eBay购买二手Steam Deck可能存在风险。该用户还贴出了V社官方客服的回复,明确指出由于Steam Deck已被报告失窃,因此无法享受保修服务。若遇到...
Steam Deck Oled 逆天品控 只看楼主收藏回复 懒鬼杨勇 默默无闻 1 byd刚到手就发现有个坏点😅,看论坛也好多有坏点的,果断RMA 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2023-11-25 11:24回复 WjdaD_ 富有美誉 9 首发都这样,电子产品都避免不了 来自Android客户端2楼2023-11-25 13:52 回复 ...
steam deck..终于是到手开箱啦!第一次玩steam deck,还是挺激动的,对比win掌机明显oled屏幕显示很好,原生的steam OS系统也很舒服,接下来慢慢把玩了。话说有什么steam deck的玩机网站不,
几天来,Steam Deck 用户一直在 DeckSupport Reddit 上报告 MST 和 FreeSync 问题,但很难看出这些问题有多普遍。但它们必须足够重要,Valve才能宣布修复正在进行中。MST(或多流传输)在Deck Docking Station 上支持多显示器,这需要通过HDMI 和DisplayPort 连接两个外部 2022-10-15 11:53:02 0 V社因Steam Deck...
Raven0606 estimates that the project took over 1,200 hours to complete, spread over nine months. “Felt like a 2nd job,” the Redditor wrote. There are plenty ofSteam Deck modstp be found, and we’ve even seen some enthusiasts try their hand at building handheld gaming PCs. But it’s...
How easy is it to install EmuDeck?I recommend having a microSD installed and properly prepared (if you’ve not done that already, please seehere). You can install EmuDeck to the internal SSD, but space is precious there and microSD’s are relatively cheap and a good fit for emulation....
玩家返修SteamD..SteamDeck已经上市了一段时间,不少玩家已经拿到了自己的游戏机。而最近Reddit上一名用户u/throwaway19712654876发帖表示,自己将Steam Deck在返厂维修后再被V社寄
Chief among those is its deck system, which allows you to wade into battle wielding five cards that augment each of its characters' unique abilities. New arrivals are regularly making their way to the game, and there's also a well-maintained esports scene. Real money can be used to unlock...