sudo steamos-readonly disable #取消SteamDeck只读权限,需要输入密码*更换镜像源源联网(原链接替换),适用于大部分场景。sudo flatpak remote-modify flathub --url=*插件tomoon使用clash订阅链接代理科学,适用于所有科学场景安装Plugin Loader(插件商店,优秀的社区就是最好的生态)...
大佬们,刚刚到手,商..1. 运行”passwd“,创建”root“权限密码;2. 运行”sudo steamos-readonly disable“,变更系统盘读写权限;3. 运行”sudo flatpak remote-
Steam Deck..这个月FSR 2.0更新后出现的,未来如果不需要了或者要其他方法我会在二楼楼中楼提示。主要就三个步骤,一是画面选项图形 api 要选 Vulkan,二是兼容层用 Proton Experimental
1.点击左下的SteamDeck图标,并在输入框中搜索Konsole打开终端(没有键盘的可以同时按下Steam键和X键调用虚拟键盘) 在命令行先解锁只读模式 sudo steamos-readonly disable 再运行sudo pacman-key --init和sudo pacman-key --populate 完成上述步骤后可以使用pacman命令安装其他应用了 ...
Steam Input is a service on the Steam Deck (and other devices) that allows players to use any controller with supported games. Despite its usefulness, its
If you are a Steam Deck user, you need to switch to Desktop Mode and then disable Steam Input using the steps mentioned in this first method. To switch to Desktop Mode, hold down the power button until the option appears and then selectSwitch to Desktop.You canexit the Desktop Modewhen ...
Shaunathanzchanged the title[Feature Request] Toggle to enable/disable Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT) in Quick Menu or game propertiesSep 29, 2022 NGniusmentioned this issueOct 31, 2022 kisak-valvementioned this issueDec 11, 2022 [Feature Request] [SteamDeck] CPU SMT ToggleValveSoftware/steam...
新入手或重置之后Steam Deck需要输入的几行命令 1)passwd 2)sudo su 2)sudo steamos-readonly disable 3)export https_proxy= 4)flatpak search 5)flatpak install
首先是要加速steam,这个有很多方法,我想到了用了很久的steamcommunity302,去羽翼城大佬的blog翻了一下,找到了For steamdeck版。是先在PC端生成一个证书,再拷贝到Linux本地运行.sh文件注入,它会默认生成一个启动项,这样无论是steamOS还是桌面模式开机,都会自动启动加速。至于怎么copy from PC to SD,我是买了一个...