1、IGN India:Steam Deck 换算成PC的配置build 转载自IGN India Here's How Much a Steam Deck Equivalent Gaming PC Build Would Cost in India https://in.ign.com/steam-deck/162737/feature/steam-deck-vs-pc-price-specifications-hardware-valve-amd 跳过背景介绍直接上对标配置(后标价格均为印度卢比,并...
我们已经在 Steam Deck 上测试了我们的游戏!即使降低 CPU 时钟频率,也能提供流畅的游戏体验。随时随地畅玩游戏! GOST of Time 登陆 Steam Deck! 2024年10月2日周三 关于这款游戏 你是否曾想过复制自己,让你的分身替你完成所有苦差事?但如果你是那个复制人,而且你还能穿越时空呢?
Fully-unlocked “Beknighted” white deck. For centuries, success on the field of battle has come down to bravery, valor, and honor. The Knights found in this deck possess all three in abundance, and their martial superiority is enough to win any duel.
Overall, the Valve Steam Deck is roughly equivalent to the Gaming Performance of the PS4 Pro. ...you can even compare the Gaming Performance between the two. For instance, VSD gets ~65fps, 720p, at Medium Settings for Doom Eternal. Whereas the PS4 Pro gets around ~55fps, 1080p, at...
Connect power from the Steam Deck to the USB-C Dual Monitor Docking Station (or equivalent). Connect an HDMI Cable (here is one of several I use) from the TV to the Dock. Connect the USB-C cable from the dock to the top port of the TV/Monitor. After a few seconds, the audio+...
「SteamDeck专用Windows系统」全自动优化 【默认优化预设】已经预设为开机启动的 TDP 【上限最大值28W】 【全自动浮动TDP】使用体感助手设定为28W上限,实际根据游戏需求调整 CPU 【PowerSwitcher】 预设锁定【高等性能】最大CPU 3.2G 自动降低EPP调度逻辑 ——强制锁定【插电/不插电会自动更改】 GPU 【体感助手】 ...
(a DirectX to Vulkan translation layer) to translate DirectX programs to Vulkan. When DirectX makes a call, DXVK converts this call to the Vulkan equivalent, and the same goes for anything that needs translation that isn't a DirectX call. You can add your own games that run through Proton...
Describe the bug With SteamVR 2.2.1 beta (and 2.1.1 - 2.1.10 beta, before Dec. 11th Steam update)… VR games appear to launch, then immediately exit, as if the executable wasn't even attempted 2D games work fine However, SteamVR 2.1.10 st...
CPU:AMD FX-6300 Six-Core bojojoing(4 reports) bojojoing (4 reports)5 years ago Works flawlessly 5 years ago Proton 5.0-4 bojojoing(4 reports) Proton 5.0-4 LintyJuggler90(3 reports) LintyJuggler90 (3 reports)5 years ago Equivalent to Windows, Better than Mac. 5 years ago Pr...
Intel Core i5 660 CPU or equivalent Intel Core i7-4770K or equivalent Memory: 4 GB RAM 8 GB RAM Graphics: Radeon HD 5870 or equivalent NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or equivalent Storage: 20 GB available space 20 GB available space Directx: ...