我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 根据您提供的信息,似乎您的Steam Deck控制器无法使用。以下是一些可能的原因和解决方法:1. 重新连接控制器:尝试将控制器从电脑上断开并再次重新连接到电脑,这可能会解决一些问题。如果控制器的电池电量不足或与电脑的连接有问题,它可能会导致图标显示红色并且切换...
Often wireless controllers or audio devices are used with the Steam Deck. Below are a few things to try if you are having issues with a Bluetooth connection on the Steam Deck. Ensure the Deck has a clear line of sight to where the controller is being used and is not behind a TV or...
Here's an update to ensure the game will work well on Steam Deck. It also improves how the game works with different controller types. It should also let Linux users play the game via Proton (though we don't officially support that). Here's what's change
First steps Before trying any of the detailed troubleshooting or contacting Steam Support, be sure you've tried the following: Power and charging Input Shortcuts Software Display Audio Speakers Bluetooth Wi-Fi Data storage Desktop Mode Care and maintenance ...
"controllerTextHoverColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-hover-color)","controllerHighlightColor":"hsla(30, 100%, 50%)","controllerHighlightTextColor":"var(--lia-yiq-light)","controllerBorderRadius":"var(--lia-border-radius-50)","hamburgerColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-color)"...
Using the Steam Deck as a controller is excellent, but not seamless The Steam Deck is a superb handheld gaming console, and that's partly because of its fantastic controls. Inspired by the original Steam Controller, it has two haptic touchpads, four back buttons, and gyro support, in addit...
steamdeckT..兄弟兄弟们,tools的手柄控制显示红色不能模拟xbox360控制了怎么样呀?只能模拟电脑控制 求求求,急急急
IT之家援引博文介绍,Steam Deck 高级开发者 Pierre-Loup Griffais 解释说,自从 Vega 架构以来,Valve 一直参与 AMD 硬件的 Mesa Vulkan 驱动程序开发,最新的驱动更新只是持续工作的一部分,不代表任何新的硬件计划。 虽然Valve 否认了与 AMD 合作开发新设备的传言,但关于 Valve 新硬件的猜测并未完全停止。目前,仍有...
今天饥荒的simple controller 是凉了吗?steamdeck全靠它了 只看楼主收藏回复 江苏卡哇伊- 涕泗滂沱 10 用来让手柄操作方便些,也能支持手柄用排队论等功能,今天玩着玩着突然失效了,一搜索,创意工坊都找不到了,是下架了吗?有好哥哥们有其他的替代mod吗?顺便吐槽一下,手柄玩饥荒,同时打开冰箱和锅的时候,不能和...
Someone created the "Steam Brick," a Steam Deck without the screen or controller Gaming Handhelds Un-handhelding the console. By Simon Batt Jan 26, 2025 My favorite modern RPG just got Steam Deck verified, and I couldn't be happier Software and Services Sorry, I can't work on ...