我服了,steam ..我是去年8月初定的steam deck 512g的,当时是找淘宝定的,结果商家跑路。好在账号密码都改了都在自己手上,邮箱也改了密码绑定了手机号。8月16号我就收到付尾款邮件,就赶紧点进去付款。结果vi
美区倒余额买deck..美区倒余额买了deck 但是买小游戏转区红了 paypal信用卡付的款 deck钱扣了但是一直不发货 有无大佬知道我是该等还是找客服啊 是不是老美在过圣诞?顶顶顶
steam deck..芜湖!美区买的steam deck oled终于发货了,接下来还得等转运了,希望顺顺利利!美国STEAM DECK OLED最新进展,已经到转中的仓库啦,等着寄回国内了
Outside of the software, the inclusion of a carrying-case with the Steam Deck is a great touch. In the handheld console space, you're usually looking at an additional cost of at least £10 to £20 for a case, and they're usually not as high-quality as this; You also get a br...
Not too long after hitting 12,000 games, the Steam Deck now officially has over 13,000 games rated either Verified or Playable. There must be a little something for every type of gamer now right? My backlog is terrifying. At time of writing the current numbers are: Verified: 4,355...
Some time in-between all that, a new version of 001 Game Creator came out that greatly enhanced the HTML functionality, fixed a couple UNICODE issues and vastly improved Steam Deck compatibility for built games. It also brought along with it the full release of the 3D Maze Kit DLC, which ...