“Abyss Online is in a pre-alpha state and still heavily in development and not yet feature-complete. We expect all aspects of the game will require balancing and polish. Throughout Early Access, we plan to expand the game in terms of content and systems. Major updates will require us to...
Build a Game Universe is your spot to build, play, share and sell your 2D games and game content. Whether you are an experienced developer or just getting started, our intuitively designed tools create a fun and exciting environment to bring your imagina
"If you're a developer, we shouldn't be choosing what content you're allowed to create. Those choices should be yours to make. Our role should be to provide systems and tools to support your efforts to make these choices for yourself, and to help you do it in a way that makes you...
虽然效果不一定是最好的。比如看视频提升帧率的话,有SVP4 pro;动漫放大可以用anime4K;又或者Galgame缩放分辨率的话,有Magpie…… 如果你能上Github的话,很多特定的功能基本都能找到好用的开源软件替代,但是……前提是能上Github,善用搜索。 https://www.svp-team.com/zh/home/ https://github.com/bloc97/Anim...
You don't have a Steam account yet? Not a problem. This guide will help you to set up a new Steam account which is necessary to activate the game you purchased. You can create your Steam account directly on the Steam website or within the Steam client. We'll describe both options but...
2月8日:《A Game About Digging A Hole》——顾名思义(Steam)2月13日:《Legacy: Steel & Sorcery》——奇幻题材的撤离游戏(Steam)2月13日:《Urban Myth Dissolution Center》——神秘事件调查(Steam)2月14日:《Dawnfolk》——极简主义城市建设者(Steam)2月15日:《英雄传说:黎之轨迹2》(Steam)2月15日:...
Pixel Game Maker Series LUNLUN SUPER HERO BABIES PLUS NEWGAMES Aether Collector Catnip Fever Dreamland UNDER DEFEAT 永恒守望(Everwarder) 掘地求财(A Game About Digging A Hole) 一起做饭吧 2(Let's Cook Together 2) Frip and Froop's Logical Labyrinth DX ...
众多独立游戏举办盛大奖项,Steam力推 上周,一场别开生面的游戏颁奖典礼在一片欢声笑语中落下了帷幕。这场名为TGAGWCAGA的游戏奖,虽然名字颇为抽象——全称是《The Game Award for Games Unable to Afford the Game Award》,即“付不起TGA费用的游戏奖”——却充分展现了独立游戏开发者的创意与风采。之所以...
像一些古早的Galgame,分辨率在640*480。因为基本是PPT播片,所以靠软件拉伸一下效果也凑活,至少比直接全屏观感好。 (古早Galgame,原生分辨率最大就这样) 只是“插帧”功能有时会适得其反。 这里只谈动画啊,动画插帧是真的难受,特别是高速的战斗场景。前几年网上AI 4K修复的特摄视频泛滥的时候,BB姬就吐槽过插帧...
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