:us: A PC utility for restoring disk space from various game clients like Origin, Steam, Uplay, Battle.net, GoG and Nexon :us: - Codeusa/SteamCleaner
《小丑牌》:96.75%《米塔》:96.75%《WEBFISHING》:96.52%《幸福工厂》:95.95%《黑神话:悟空》:95.9%《TCG卡牌商店模拟器》:95.55%《Fields of Mistria》:95.53%《Tiny Glade》:95.34%《Crime Scene Cleaner》:95.33%《shapez 2》:95.26%《Tactical Breach Wizards》:95.13%《ATLYSS》:...
自从12月11日发布以来,凭借口碑传播和流传度极高的主播视频,《米塔》在全球范围内吸引了许多玩家,已经积累了超过4.2万份Steam用户评测和如潮好评。Game Word Observer提到,在2024年问世的Steam新游戏中,有多款免费游戏进入口碑榜前列,《The WereCleaner》、《Sleepy: A Short Adventure》等作品的用户好评率都达到了95...
Game Word Observer提到,在2024年问世的Steam新游戏中,有多款免费游戏进入口碑榜前列,《The WereCleaner》、《Sleepy: A Short Adventure》等作品的用户好评率都达到了95%以上。不过,该媒体只基于SteamDB数据,对用户评分排名靠前的前15款Steam买断制新游戏进行了排序。 需要指出的是,SteamDB采用了自己的独有算法,所...
Game Word Observer提到,在2024年问世的Steam新游戏中,有多款免费游戏进入口碑榜前列,《The WereCleaner》、《Sleepy: A Short Adventure》等作品的用户好评率都达到了95%以上。不过,该媒体只基于SteamDB数据,对用户评分排名靠前的前15款Steam买断制新游戏进行了排序。
:us: A PC utility for restoring disk space from various game clients like Origin, Steam, Uplay, Battle.net, GoG and Nexon :us: - Releases · Codeusa/SteamCleaner
https://github.com/SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-loader storage cleaner 删着色器缓存 vibrantdeck 无印改...
You are Ted, a multiverse cleaner. Travel across multiple universes and realities to complete your employer's tasks. Each mission takes place in a different universe, but there is a central plot that connects them all. It's up to you to protect the multi
Roll up fences to the title-bar for cleaner desktops Blur the wallpaper behind fences (Windows 10 only) Use Fences on modern, high-DPI monitors Double click the desktop to hide/reveal icons Swipe between multiple pages of fences Technical Features ...
The WereCleaner 2024 34 votes The WereCleaner offers a quirky stealth strategy experience, where players clean up supernatural messes left after werewolf rampages. Combining humor with tactical gameplay, players take on the role of a cleaner who must quietly clear the evidence of lycanthropic c...