名称:Black Friday 类型:角色扮演,模拟,策略,免费开玩 开发商:Beijing Huan Yu Linkage Technology Co. 发行商:Beijing Huan Yu Linkage Technology Co. 发行日期:2023 年 10 月 18 日 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 注意:Black Friday 已在 Steam 停售。
steam黑五时-间:2023年黑色星期五时-间是——11 月24 日,也就是每年11月的第四个星期五。黑五(BlackFriday)是购-物狂欢节的开始,steam这天会有很多游戏打折,折扣力度巨大,也被称为全年力度最大的省钱时机,是游戏迷不可错过的购入游戏黄金季。“黑5”折扣从低到高依次排列,30%OFF为黑5最-低优-惠,...
steam黑五时-间: 2023年黑色星期五时-间是—— 11 月 24 日,也就是每年11月的第四个星期五。黑五(Black Friday)是购-物狂欢节的开始,steam这天会有很多游戏打折,折扣力度巨大,也被称为全年力度最大的省钱时机,是游戏迷不可错过的购入游戏黄金季。“黑5”折扣从低到高依次排列,30%OFF为黑5最-低优-惠,...
Yes, Steam has Black Friday sales every year. Black Friday deals and dates have not yet been officially released for 2022. But based on what we’ve seen in recent years for Steam Black Friday sale events, PC gamers should have a good idea of what to expect. Look for it to start on ...
VGI:2023年黑色星期五Steam游戏市场表现报告(英文版)(7页).pdf 1、2023 Steam Black Friday Performance Report“A year of records,despite the slowdown in overall games industry”Contact:VGSupporting creativity through dataUser engagement keeps breaking records on Steam despite the post-lockdown return to...
The Black Friday Sale has started! Sparkling Deal Double Your Gems! 2024年11月24日周日 查看所有更新(最新:2024年12月14日) 查看所有讨论 在讨论版中为这款游戏汇报 BUG,并留下反馈 关于这款游戏 《角斗士:罗马求生》作为一款动作角色扮演游戏,包含休闲生存游戏的常见机制以及丰富的城市营造系统。你将体验一...
北京时间 2023 年 11 月 22 日凌晨 0 点到 11 月 29 日凌晨 0 点 折扣游戏缓慢增加中?:https://store.epicgames.com/zh-CN/browse?priceTier=tierDiscouted 6.7 折 Epic 优惠券: https://store.epicgames.com/zh-CN/coupons/black-friday
Steam saw 154 million game copies sold in Q3 2023. This is +26% more than last year. Although strong performance, it falls short of the traditionally strongest Q4 performances, driven by Black Friday and Holiday sales. Strong Q3 unit sales were largely driven by strong AAA launches. Baldur...
of the bestSteam Deckalternatives and handheld PCs on the market, is getting a nice discount for Black Friday at Best Buy. The Ally Extreme – the handheld’s more powerful variant – normally goes for $699.99, but Best Buy is offering it for $619.99 from now through Nov. 25, 2023. ...
You likely already know this if you keep track of our running list of Steam sale dates, but just in case you don't—or perhaps you've just forgotten amidst all the Black Friday hubbub—the 2023 Steam Autumn Sale is live now, and runs until 10 am PT/1 pm ET on November 28. As al...