3.打开unity项目,会自动生成steam_appid.txt到项目的主目录下. 4.打开steam_appid.txt并将480修改为自己的 AppId. 5.更改脚本 SteamManager.cs 找到 SteamAPI.RestartAppIfNecessary(AppId_t.Invalid)将AppId_t.Invalid替换成(AppId_t)480" 或者 "new AppId_t(480),480改成自己的APP ID如图: if (SteamAPI....
o打开steam_appid.txt并将480修改为自己的 AppId. o编辑\Plugins\Steamworks.NET\types\SteamTypes\AppId_t.cs,将public static readonly AppId_t Invalid = new AppId_t(0x0);将0x0修改为自己的app_id o重启unity,保证 steam_appid.txt 已生效. o安装sdk完成. 如何使用 o下载SteamManagers.cs o将SteamMan...
打开steam_appid.txt并将480修改为自己的 AppId. 编辑\Plugins\Steamworks.NET\types\SteamTypes\AppId_t.cs,将public static readonly AppId_t Invalid = new AppId_t(0x0);将0x0修改为自己的app_id 重启unity,保证 steam_appid.txt 已生效. 安装sdk完成. 如何使用 下载SteamManagers.cs 将SteamManager.cs脚...
[Steamworks.NET] Could not load [lib]steam_api.dll/so/dylib. It's likely not in the correct location. Refer to the README for more details. System.DllNotFoundException: steam_api at (wrapper managed-to-native) Steamworks.NativeMethods.SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(Steamworks.AppId_t) ...
I presume Steam is running, you have the SteamworksPy.dll, steam_api.dll, and steam_appid.txt files all in same location as the steamworks.py file. Digging around in the repo, I guess this is meant to be in the steamworks folder now? I'm a little bit lost as I didn't write ...
使用方法如下: 将文件夹中的steam_api.dll 和 steam_appid.txt 这两个文件复制下来 替换掉游戏目录里的两个同名文件即可 文件位置如下 ONE.PIECE.ODYSSEY-GoldBerg\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\Steamworks\Steamv147\Win64 注意:打了手柄补丁之后,如你有原本键盘玩的游戏进度会无法读取。 建议是新玩家打了手柄补丁...
...从 Steam 开发者门户下载 Steamworks API,将 Steamworks API 放在 Greenworks 根目录下的 deps 文件夹中,并将 Steamworks 文件夹重命名为steamworks_sdk...但这只是为了发布——因为文件 steam_appid.txt 的存在会使 restartAppIfNecessary总是返回 false。...接下来,我们需要告诉 Electron 浏览器窗口的...
Move to the folder ‘logs’ and open ‘txt’. Move to the bottom of the text file and search for recent errors. An example of an error is this: [2017-04-12 12:47:31] [AppID 346110] Update canceled: File commit failed: failed to move unchanged file “C:\Program Files (x86)\Stea...
Some games might require asteam_appid.txtfile containing the app ID and nothing else before they can be launched from another location. Copying a game from a different computer•Link Instructions[citation needed] Go to<Steam-folder>\SteamApps\common\on the computer where the game is installed...
Entertestappcloudpaths <AppId>into the console with the given App ID that you are testing. Ex:testappcloudpaths 480 Enterset_spew_level 4 4into the console. Launch your app from Steam. Check the console for activity, If files already exist in the Auto-Cloud paths then you should see the...