restartAppIfNecessary 函数可防止游戏在 Steam 之外启动并通过从 Steam 打开它来重新启动它。但这只是为了发布——因为文件 steam_appid.txt 的存在会使 restartAppIfNecessary总是返回 false。 此外,在测试时,请确保 Steam 已打开并正在运行...
This file is called steam_appid.txt. The root of your project is located in the folder above your Assets folder. It should look like the following, with only the AppID present in the file: steam_appid.txt 1234567 Setup In Portal There are some additional steps in order to configure ...
启动Greenworks 要启动Greenworks,需要做的第一件事是创建一个名为steam_appid.txt的文件,其中包含你的应用程序ID而没有其他任何内容。应用程序ID是商店中的那个,比如我的游戏《Wirewalk()↳》,Steam 是1636700。 不要将此txt文件复制到本教程最后一步的最终版本中,因为它仅用于测试目的。 现在,可以启动Greenworks...
示例代码调用: FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(TEXT(RAW_APP_ID), TEXT("steam_appid.txt")); SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(atoi(APP_ID)); if (SteamAPI_Init()) { } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 使用Epic OnlineSubSystem 在.cs 中引入配置 PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "...
06/29 22:28:54 Init: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1687386907)/tid(13493) Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check [2023-06-29 22:28:54] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/keith/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client...
Put a steam_appid.txt file that contains the appid of the game right beside it if there isn't one already. If your game has an original steam_api(64).dll or older than may 2016 (On windows: Properties->Digital Signatures->Timestamp) you might have to add a steam_...
Some games might require asteam_appid.txtfile containing the app ID and nothing else before they can be launched from another location. Copying a game from a different computer•Link Instructions[citation needed] Go to<Steam-folder>\SteamApps\common\on the computer where the game is installed...
The game will not work unless it’s running within Steam and the folder contains a “steam_appid.txt” file containing your game’s Steam App ID. In order to build your project you must ensure the “Steam App ID” property inGame Settingsis filled in. ...
steam_appid.txt 的文件,其中包含你的应用程序 ID 而没有其他任何内容。应用程序 ID 是商店中的那个,比如我的游戏《Wirewalk()↳》,Steam 是1636700。 不要将此 txt 文件复制到本教程最后一步的最终版本中,因为它仅用于测试目的。 现在,可以启动
FFileHelper::SaveStringToFile(TEXT(RAW_APP_ID),TEXT("steam_appid.txt"));SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary(atoi(APP_ID));if(SteamAPI_Init()){} 使用Epic OnlineSubSystem 在.cs 中引入配置 PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "Onl...