有,但我们的网站很特别:Achievement Stats 的特点是首次完全支持 DLC,例如,通常一些 DLC 中会包含有锁定的新成就,而您的 100% 游戏不会被这些锁定的成就所毁掉,尽管最初您并未购买这些 DLC。无法达成的成就也会被扣除。在这里您绝对不会见到任何烦人的广告,也没有“通过 Steam 登录”之类的强制登录手段。本站...
RequestStats 作用 OnUserStatsStored() OnAchievementStored() boolCSteamAchievements::SetAchievement(constchar* ID) {// 是否已收到来自 Steam 的回调?if(m_bInitialized) { SteamUserStats()->SetAchievement(ID);returnSteamUserStats()->StoreStats(); }// 若否,则无法设置成就。returnfalse; } ...
如不相符,调用ISteamUserStats::ResetAllStats,然后将“Version”设为硬编码号码。 统计一致性 全局统计 ISteamUserStats::RequestGlobalStats ISteamUserStats::GetGlobalStat ISteamUserStats::RequestGlobalStats ISteamUserStats::GetGlobalStatHistory ISteamUserStats::RequestGlobalAchievementPercentages ...
18 个成就,价值 21.47 分 成就描述获取时间分值属性回报 ApprenticeComplete 10 levels in Inventor Mode0.59 ChronometristComplete 10 Time Challenges1.20 PrecisionistComplete 10 Move Challenges1.17 AptitudeEarn your first triple-gold award0.48 AurifexEarn 10 triple-gold awards1.23 ...
Achievement Stats 是你的 Steam 成就和統計與排名的最佳選擇!
https://steamapi.xpaw.me/#ISteamUserStats/GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp 如上所见,该网站已将常见的 API 汇总,并以可视化填表的方式列出(我演示所用的链接便是借由工具快速获得)。 为了提升可读性,在生成的链接末尾还可加入诸如 =xml 之类的后缀,这将改变返回信息的显示格式。
2.下载SAM(Steam成就管理器Steam Achievement Manager) 3.删除本地保存文件(地址:装Steam的分区盘下:\Steam\userdata\<你的SteamID>\1541780\remote\win64_save\) 4.启动SAM 5.选择《生化危机8》Demo 6.选择清除成就和属性(Remove Achievements and Stats)确认 ...
Hello, we have problems with achievement system between UE4 and Steam. We have followed this link images to create stats and achievements: [link text][1] We have also added achievements to “DefaultEngine.ini” and Steam…
To start up you just call Steamworks.SteamClient.Init with your appid. If it can't initialize it'll throw an exception - so make sure you catch that and deal with it. { Steamworks..(252490); }catch(System.Exceptione ) {// Something went wrong - it's one of these:/// Steam is...
To name a few things to look forward to: - Female playable character - Intimacy animation improvements - Vickie Vixen’s unforgettable finale And, of course, the Game Grumps’ story is not too far away. If youfollow us on social media, you’ve probably seen some sneak peeks of the new ...