出大事了,SteamAchievementManager 不能用了? 只看楼主收藏回复 Taffy厨 帽子大亨 14 送TA礼物 1楼2015-02-14 22:51回复 凉粽子 出刀欧统 12 来自Android客户端2楼2015-02-14 22:51 回复 希里-冲刺 信使饲主 13 可以吧,我正在挂卡,有时候会刷不出游戏正常 来自iPhone客户端3楼2015-02-14 22...
I'm just guessing but might work till than we gotta wait for a general fix from the devs. this indeedused tobe the case. Hey everyone, We have just received confirmation from the teams that the Steam achievements issue has been resolved. However, I am not 100% sure it's retroactive. I...
I always disable usage sharing just as a matter of principle, but turned it back on to test this, ran to the nearest bogling and the achievement instantly popped in steam. People still having problems might want to try enabling uasage sharing if they've disabled it. Absolute pain that I ...
1.启动steam客户端最好不要运行游戏,加速器和其他云挂卡都关闭 2.去下载SteamAchievementManager GitHub: https://github.com/gibbed/SteamAchievementManager/releases 网盘: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2uM9qM0WGwsjVWVsK-3mQ 提取码:gwiu 3.解压然后以管理员身份启动 SAM.Picker.exe 4.等待steam游戏...
Disable third-party apps: If you are using a mod or third-party app, such as Steam Achievement Manager, then you should close them and check if this makes any difference. We have a guide that will help youverify the integrity of game files not workingon Steam. Also, you can check out...
1.启动steam客户端最好不要运行游戏,加速器和其他云挂卡都关闭 2.去下载SteamAchievementManager GitHub: https://github.com/gibbed/SteamAchievementManager/releases 网盘: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2uM9qM0WGwsjVWVsK-3mQ提取码:gwiu 3.解压然后以管理员身份启动 SAM.Picker.exe ...
steam achi..如图,游戏都不见了。而且这个是解压版本,也不需要重新安装。我已经重新下载解压了,还是这样,有人知道吗?
Steam Achievement Manager (SAM) is a lightweight, portable application used to manage achievements and statistics in the popular PC gaming platform Steam. This application requires the Steam client, a Steam account and network access. Steam must be running and the user must be logged in. This ...
Steam Achievement Manager (SAM) is a lightweight, portable application used to manage achievements and statistics in the popular PC gaming platform Steam. This application requires the Steam client, a Steam account and network access. Steam must be running and the user must be logged in. This ...
1.启动steam客户端最好不要运行游戏,加速器和其他云挂卡都关闭 2.去下载SteamAchievementManager GitHub: https://github.com/gibbed/SteamAchievementManager/releases 网盘: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1I2uM9qM0WGwsjVWVsK-3mQ 提取码:gwiu