选择Contact Support(联系支持),然后如下图依次选择PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS——PUBG:AccountSupport——I have been suspended or banned选择完毕之后点击Submit aTicket,然后他会要求你登录一个账号,我们就用之前注册的账号登录就行了。然后就是你需要详细地描述你的问题(必填)建议使用英文,填写上你的角色名(必填...
然后Subject填写 My account has been disabled without any reminding下面一个选项框选择如图YOUR QUESTION按照如下模板Dear Steam StaffWell, my steam account (你的steam账户名) has been banned without any warning and I didn't cheat during the game or using any 3rd-party tools that edit or modify ...
Let me explain, Illegal purchase is the most forbidden act in Valve/Steam. Once your steam account has been reported for illegal purchase, you will directly have a Pending Steam Account Deletion. However, you can still prove yourself that you are innocent or you are not involved in any Fraud...
unban temporarily v4 = only changes errors into a no error state which makes your banned account usable again. This will not unban your account, only hide the errors that prevent a banned account from playing. (might still have unwanted side effects such as not saving certain progress or only...
If someone claims they reported you accidentally or falsely, you do not need to do anything to protect your account. These claims are always fake and only meant scam you. If someone did report your account falsely, you can rest assured that Steam disregards false reports. ...
We have gathered data of purchases from a different IP address on your account logs. We will have to disabled your steam account. These records were not made public since it was red flagged by the support team. Are you aware that you will be banned if you can't prove yourself that you...
unban temporarily v4 = only changes errors into a no error state which makes your banned account usable again. This will not unban your account, only hide the errors that prevent a banned account from playing. (might still have unwanted side effects such as not saving certain progress or only...
Hello, I just learnt that my steam community was banned and my account got a200 CNYauto deduction. I immediately investigated this affair, and got to know that a merchant froma networking platform (called XianYu)used illegal steam balance in a deal with me. In this transaction, he claimed ...
Scam: I Have Been Reported and Will Be Banned Any claim that you've been accidentally or falsely reported for fraud or any other infraction is a scam. Do not follow any instructions provided by anyone claiming to have accidentally reported your account. If someone did report your account ...
BannedUntil string If the player is currently banned, the UTC Date when the ban expires ContactEmailAddresses ContactEmailInfoModel[] List of all contact email info associated with the player account Created string Player record created DisplayName string Player display name ExperimentVariants...