如果用户关注的人数大于该数,您需要重复调用此函数,且 unStartIndex 需设置为您目前已收到的关注者总数。也就是说,您目前收到的关注者数量为 50,而用户关注了 105 名,您便需要再次调用本函数,并设置 unStartIndex = 50 以获取接下来的 50 名,然后再使用 unStartIndex = 100 获取剩下的5名。返回: Steam...
NOTE: This returns up to k_cEnumerateFollowersMax users at once. If the current user is following more than that, you will need to call this repeatedly, with unStartIndex set to the total number of followers that you have received so far....
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Software Development...
public static extern ulong ISteamFriends_EnumerateFollowingList(IntPtr instancePtr, uint unStartIndex); [DllImport(NativeLibraryName, EntryPoint = "SteamAPI_ISteamFriends_IsClanPublic", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I1)] public static extern bool ISteamFr...
},created() {this.loadData();// 初始化加载数据},methods: {loadData() {this.loading=true;// 模拟异步加载数据setTimeout(() =\> {// 这里替换为实际的加载数据逻辑,可以从后端接口获取数据// 注意:对于大数据量,最好进行分页加载,只加载当前页的数据conststartIndex = (this.currentPage-1) \*this...
我们会给WCF服务传入诸如startIndex(起始索引)和pageSize(页的大小)之类的参数(服务的返回数据将是指定页数的产品信息), 以及几个回调方法(服务调用成功或失败后被回调)。下面也给出了调用成功的回调方法。该方法直接获取了指向catalog控件的引用($get 在 asp.net的AJAX中用来指向一个控件)。然后它将设定当前页的...
我们会给WCF服务传入诸如startIndex(起始索引)和pageSize(页的大小)之类的参数(服务的返回数据将是指定页数的产品信息), 以及几个回调方法(服务调用成功或失败后被回调)。下面也给出了调用成功的回调方法。该方法直接获取了指向catalog控件的引用($get 在 asp.net的AJAX中用来指向一个控件)。然后它将设定当前页的...
NOTE: This returns up to k_cEnumerateFollowersMax users at once. If the current user is following more than that, you will need to call this repeatedly, with unStartIndex set to the total number of followers that you have received so far....