R&D 人员的数量只影响经济的转移动态 (transitional dynamics),不影响稳态增长率(steady-state growth rate)。 Jones (1… www.docin.com|基于 1 个网页 2. 下成长率 第j 个国家1960 年长期均衡下成长率(steady-state growth rate) rj ,并代入下
請問達到steady state的話,growth in labor productivity究竟是等於growth in capital (大K增長率) 還是等於growth in capital deepening (小k增長率)?? Hello,亲爱的同学~ 在steady state这里,劳动生产率增长(也就是同学所说的growth in labor productivity),也就是g*,公式如下图红色方框内容。 和growth in ca...
G*,英文名是Sustainable growth rate of output ,公式是:(θ/(1-α)+ΔL/L) g*,英文名是Sustainable growth of output per capita (or output per worker) 。公式是:θ/(1-α) steady state,英文名是Long-term steady state growth rate。字面意思是,稳定状态下的增长率。但是它没有指明,这个增长率,是...
trend growthWe compute steady﹕tate economic growth—defined as the rate of growth that the economy would converge to in the absence of new shocks. As we show, this rate can be computed in real‐time by means of a parsimonious time﹙arying parameter (TVP) vector autoregression model. Our ...
steady state growth rateCFA II Economics Analysis 老师好这题为什么不是0.025/0.689 不是单位是%? 是否算steady state growth rate 的时候都是不代入%来计算的? 谢谢。添加评论 0 0 2 个答案 已采纳答案 丹丹_品职答疑助手 · 2020年12月13日 同学你好,是2%请知悉 添加评论 0 0 丹丹_品职答疑...
The difference comes about because, in a CSTR, all microorganisms are exposed to the same S, while the concentration decreases with depth into a biofilm. As with any steady-state completely mixed biological process, having S lower than this critical level gives a negative growth rate and no po...
having S lower than this critical level gives a negative growth rate and no possibility for sustaining steady-state biomass. Thus, remains a very key factor for the design and operation of both systems.2. J and increase very sharply (on the logarithmic scale) as S in...
In the Solow growth model, the steady-state growth rate of output per effective worker is ___, and the steady-state growth rate of output per actual worker is ___.A.the sum of the rate of technological progress plus the rate of population growth; z
Steady-state growth of Coccochloris stagnina, Cyclotella nana, Monochrysis lutheri and Dunaliella tertiolecta in nitrate limiting medium and of Dunaliella and Monochrysis in ammonium limiting medium is examined in continuous culture experiments. Growth rate can not be directly related to observed nutr...
In the Solow growth model with population growth and technological change, the steady-state growth rate of income per person depends on: A. the rate of population growth. B. the saving rate. C. the rate of technological progress. D. the rate of population growth plus the rate of ...