steady-state response Dynamics [动力学]/Earthquake Engineering [地震工程]/My Software [我的软件]/Programming [编程]/Structural Analysis [结构分析]/Vibration Control [振动控制] [动力学][振动控制][软件] SDOF_FRE 案例 2 —— 地震时程响应分析 [SDOF_FRE Example 2: Earthquake Time History Analysis...
In Example 3.22, the steady-state response of h(t) = (e−t − e−2t)u(t) is zero, while for s(t) = 0.5u(t) − e−tu(t) + 0.5e−2tu(t) it is 0.5. The transient responses are then h(t) − 0 = h(t) and s(t) − 0.5u(t) = −e−tu(t) + 0...
steady state stability 【电】 定态稳定度 相似单词 steady state a. 不变的,永恒的 steady adj. 1.(发展、增长等)稳步的,持续的,匀速的 2.稳定的,恒定的 3.稳的;平稳的;稳固的 4.沉稳的;可靠的 v. 1.[I,T]使稳;使平稳;稳住 2.[I]恢复平稳;稳 response n. 1. 回答,答复 2. 反应,响应...
The steady-state response of a single degree-of-freedom piecewise linear asymmetrical hysteretic system subjected to a sinusoidal excitation was investigated by using the Kryov-Bogoliubov slowly varying parameter method.The results show that the resonance frequency of system decreases along with the incre...
美 英 un.稳态响应 网络稳态反应;定态响应 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 稳态响应 例句 更多例句筛选
Steady-state response of normal subjects to inspiratory resistive load. Normal subjects preserve tidal volume (VT) in the face of added inspiratory resistance by increasing maximal amplitude and duration of the rising phase of respiratory driving pressure (DP) and by changing the shape of this phase...
Slow Response 程序慢慢变慢,当系统慢到对自己和上下游都成为负担是,就会出现问题。开始速度还不错,越来越慢的原因有如下几种: 锁 在并发模型变成中,线程死锁是一个明显导致系统崩溃的例子。 在有锁的应用中, 最明显的标记是当流量增大的时候,cpu 的usage 会急剧上升。这个时候内存就不是capacity 的考量依据,是...
Steady State Responsedoi:10.1109/iccas.2013.6704033Park, Seung-MinSim, Kwee-Bo
By means of Fourier integral transform, the steady-state response in i ntegral form of an elastic half-space subjected to a moving point load was obta i ned. A procedure was then proposed to calculate the integrals for subsonic load velocity. Not only the interior response but also the surf...
1. Steady-state状态下的生物膜损失速率biofilm loss rate等于生物膜的污泥龄SRT。 对于以某一个biofilm loss rate运行的系统来说,存在最低的基质浓度Sbmin, 可以通过下式计算 对于CSTR来说,这个操作的基质浓度是维持生物膜SRT的最低基质浓度。因此这里的 与 用不同的notation。如果 , 。With...