intervals (48 hours) to be more than enough to get to steady state, as maths says the amounts should be 99.993% there. NONMEM instead used 13 doses in the example below. The amounts are reported in the table below. After iteration 3 the amount in AA2 just changes by tiny values, a...
more), and this even for models that should reach steady state in 2-3 doses. As an alternative we end up using ad-hoc "patch-up" solutions, like initialising compartments, or just adding 4-5 doses "manually" in the dataset, but this is a bit tedious/tricky. I am writing to see ...
integration of the differential equations (and in the case of ADVAN9, algebraic equations). The ADVAN routine is used to advance (integrate) the state vector A from time 0 to time II with the appropriate dose pattern. Let AII represent the state vector after advance to time II with the ap...