Docker Compose是一个用于定义和运行多个Docker容器的工具,它允许我们使用YAML文件来描述应用程序的服务、网络、存储等配置,并通过简单的命令来管理这些容器。 将一个服务附加到stdin和stdout是指将容器的标准输入(stdin)和标准输出(stdout)与宿主机的终端进行关联,使得我们可以通过终端与容器进行交互。
布尔值 布尔数据类型只有 True or False 两个值,它作为逻辑判断的基准被应用在程序各处的布尔上下文中...
Why are "stdin_open: true" and "tty: true" options defined for all services? Isn't this some kind of legacy?Cyger pushed a commit that referenced this issue on Jan 21, 2021 Fixes #47 0a58363 Cyger closed this in ONLYOFFICE/docker-onlyoffice-nextcloud@6c133f4 on Jan 22, 2021 ...
I can use docker container attach to send Ctrl+R currently as a workaround with stdin_open: true and tty: true in my service definition. Ideally this would also be combined with docker compose up to bring up and then attach STDIN right away. perhaps docker compose up -i/--interactive?
Docker Compose stdin_open Introduction stdin_open is a configuration option available in Docker Compose that allows a container to keep its STDIN file descriptor open. This means that the container can receive input data through STDIN and process it in real-time. When stdin_open is set to true...
如何将Docker web应用程序容器连接到Docker PostgreSQL容器? 、、、 我正在用docker-compose up运行容器为了简洁起见,指向Dockerfile和其他设置文件的链接是 (如果您想在这里使用它,请告诉我)。# links: depends_on: # tty and stdin_open cause docker-compose to# tty: true db: build: 浏览6提问于2016-03...
看起来没有什么不同,实际上也是一样.没有什么不同 但是 while(true)在C和C ++(C#?)的最...
Hi! When using multiple files, and also passing data in via stdin: cat docker-compose_files/postgres.yml | docker-compose -f docker-compose_files/consul.yml -f - -p test up I get the following error: ERROR: .IOError: [Errno 2] No such fi...