这行代码会将stdf库安装到你的Python环境中,便于后续读取和处理STDF文件。 2. 读取STDF文件 下面的代码展示了如何读取STDF文件: importstdf# 读取STDF文件stdf_file=stdf.StdfFile('example.stdf')# 替换为你的STDF文件路径 1. 2. 3. 4. 在这段代码中,我们导入了stdf库并定义了一个stdf_file对象,读取指定路...
# 导入必要的库importstdf# 导入STDF处理库,用于读取和解析STDF文件# 打开并读取 STDF 文件withopen('example.stdf','rb')asfile:data=file.read()# 读取文件内容并存储到data变量中# 解析 STDF 文件内容stdf_data=stdf.parse(data)# 使用stdf库的parse功能解析读取到的数据# 提取并处理所需的数据results=[]#...
def create_stdf_file(filename): # FAR - File Attributes Record far_rec_typ = 0 # Record Type for FAR far_rec_sub = 10 # Record Subtype for FAR far_data = b'x04x00' # Version and CPU type, example values # MIR - Master Information Record mir_rec_typ = 1 # Record Type for M...
FILE_FILTER 字符串 .std;.stdf;*.std_temp 软件默认支持的STDF数据类型, 使用英文;分割 EN 布尔字符串(True/False) False 是否使用英文版本(App按钮均为机翻) App操作文档 LinkPlotApp - LinkPlotApp - Confluence 功能查找表 功能查找表_2021_0803版本.MD 功能性 功能性DemoRelease/Pro 实时的数据解析 ...
STDF file is parsed, you recieve record "events" in callback functions Refer to the provided command line scripts for ideas on how to use PySTDF: stdf2text, convert STDF to '|' delimited text format. stdf2excel, convert STDF to MS Excel. stdf_slice, an example of how to seek to a...
Only whole bytes can be written to the STDF file. N*1 kxTYPE Array of data of the type specified. TYPE[] The value of ‘k’ (the number of elements in the array) is defined in an earlier field in the record. For example, an array of short unsigned integers is defined as kxU*2...
1. change the ByteArray to singleton 2. new Float/Double to Float/Double.valueOf 3. change the "new String(cbuf, 0, length).intern()" to new String(data, offset, length, ASCII) 4. change the Arrays.copyOfRange to System.arraycopy one 1.2G stdf file need 24s with "record.getData(...
pnpm create stdf With NPM: npm create stdf@latest#ornpm init stdf@latest#ornpx create-stdf@latest With BUN: bun create stdf ...and follow the prompts. You can also directly specify the project name and the template you want to use via additional command line options. For example, to cre...
Only whole bytes can be written to the STDF file. kxTYPE Array of data of the type specified. The value of 'k' (the number of elements in the array) is defined in an earlier field in the record. For example, an array of short unsigned integers is defined as kxU*2. TYPE[] Note...
HP93K SOC Datalog&STDF Setup Verigy V93000 SOC Series User Training Part I Datalogging and Correlation