int main() { FILE *file = fopen("error.log", "w"); if (file == NULL) { perror("Failed to open file"); return 1; } // 将stderr重定向到文件 if (freopen("error.log", "w", stderr) == NULL) { perror("Failed to redirect stderr"); return 1; } // 在stderr上输出一条错...
Currently this is possible adding a "command" field shuch as "main arg1 arg2 > stdout.file", however that modifies the ENTRYPOINT of the container, which is generally not a good idea. The ENTRYPOINT normally directs to the main application script insde the container. Example Consider you ar...
Both the standard output and standard error streams will be copied to the file while still being visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file.
How do I redirect stderr to a file? A.Bash and other modern shell provides I/O redirection facility. There are 3 default standard files (standard streams) open: [a]stdin- Use to get input (keyboard) i.e. data going into a program. [b]stdout- Use to write information (screen) [c]...
稍微会一点点linux命令的,都会用到cmd > file这样的语句,把命令反馈的输出到一个文件里。当然还有cmd >> file,这是把内容追加到文件里,而不是重新擦写一遍。>这个符号可以念redirect to。 实际上,重定向有很多种设置和配合,让你可以分别重定向标准输出和标准错误,或者一起重定向,然后还可以选择是只输出到文件...
Anders Lindahl的回答是正确的,但是应该注意,如果您要将stdout重定向到一个文件,并且也想重定向stderr...
Anders Lindahl的回答是正确的,但是应该注意,如果您要将stdout重定向到一个文件,并且也想重定向stderr,那么您必须确保2>&1指定后这个1>重定向,否则就不能工作了。REM *** WARNING: THIS WILL NOT REDIRECT STDERR TO STDOUT *** dir 2>&1 ...
Both the standard output and standard error streams will be copied to the file while still being visible in the terminal. If the file already exists, the new data will get appended to the end of the file. cruces: &前面不能有空格 包括 command |& tee -a >&2 2>&1 ...
COMMAND_OUTPUT >> # Redirect stdout to a file. # Creates the file if not present, otherwise appends to it. # Single-line redirection commands (affect only the line they are on): # --- 1>filename # Redirect stdout to file "filename." 1>>filename # Redirect and append stdout to fi...
首先command > file 2>file的意思是将命令所产生的标准输出信息,和错误的输出信息送到file 中。command > file 2>file这样的写法,stdout和stderr都直接送到file中, file会被打开两次,这样stdout和stderr会互相覆盖,这样写相当使用了FD1和FD2两个同时去抢占file 的管道。