ifstream的用法#include<fstream.h> #include<iostream.h> //usingnamespacestd; staticcharch; main() { ifstreaminfile(filename,ios::in); if(!infile) { cout<<"openerror!"<<endl; exit(1); } infile.get(ch); cout.put(ch); cout<<endl; system("pause"); } 为何我这样写的时候程序说ifstre...
ifstream的用法#include<fstream.h> #include<iostream.h> //usingnamespacestd; staticcharch; main() { ifstreaminfile(filename,ios::in); if(!infile) { cout<<"openerror!"<<endl; exit(1); } infile.get(ch); cout.put(ch); cout<&
ofstream outfile(file1, ios::app); outfile << "aaa bbb\n ccc aaa"; outfile.close(); } void copyfile(const char* fnd, const char* fns) { ifstream begin1(fnd, ios::in); if (!fnd) { cout << "file error"; return; } ofstream final(fns, ios::app); string s; while (getline...
std::ifstream comport; std::string linein; std::ios_base::iostate exceptionMask = comport.exceptions() | std::ios::failbit; comport.exceptions(exceptionMask); try { comport.open("COM6:", std::ifstream::in); } catch (std::ios_base::failure &e) { std::string erroropen( e.what...
File operations basic_ifstream::is_open basic_ifstream::open basic_ifstream::close Non-member functions swap(std::basic_ifstream) (C++11) basic_ifstream(); (1) explicitbasic_ifstream(constchar*filename, std::ios_base::openmodemode =std::ios_base::in); ...
I wanted to name an output file likestd::ofstream replaced(filename + ".replace");, but I can't find the right syntax to add c.str() in this. I could only do it by creating a new variablestd::string filename2 = filename + ".replace";and thenstd::ofstream replaced(filename2....