#include <filesystem> #include <iostream> namespace fs = std::filesystem; int main() { std::cout << fs::path("/foo/bar.txt").extension() << '\n' << fs::path("/foo/bar.").extension() << '\n' << fs::path("/foo/bar").extension() << '\n' << fs::path("/foo/ba...
bool has_relative_path() const; (4) (since C++17) bool has_parent_path() const; (5) (since C++17) bool has_filename() const; (6) (since C++17) bool has_stem() const; (7) (since C++17) bool has_extension() const; (8) (since C++17) Checks...
filename returns the filename path component (public member function) stem returns the stem path component (public member function) extension returns the file extension path component (public member function) Queries empty checks if the path is empty ...
| filename | returns the filename path component (public member function) | | stem | returns the stem path component (public member function) | | extension | returns the file extension path component (public member function) | | Queries | ...
Hi, i realized that the behaviour of boost::filesystem::path and std::filesystem::path are strongly different. For example boost::filesystem::path adds and returns very often ".". Two examples: 1.) boost::fs::path("foo/bar/").filename() ...
#include <iostream> #include <filesystem> namespace fs = std::filesystem; int main() { std::cout << fs::path("/foo/bar.txt").extension() << '\n' << fs::path("/foo/bar.").extension() << '\n' << fs::path("/foo/bar").extension() << '\n' << fs::path("/foo/ba...
path::parent_path path::filename path::stem path::extension path::empty path::has_root_pathpath::has_root_namepath::has_root_directorypath::has_relative_pathpath::has_parent_pathpath::has_filenamepath::has_stempath::has_extension path::is_absolutepath::is_relative Non-member functions ...
filename returns the filename path component (public member function) stem returns the stem path component (filename without the final extension) (public member function) extension returns the file extension path component (public member function) ...
6)Checks whetherfilename()is empty. 7)Checks whetherstem()is empty. 8)Checks whetherextension()is empty. Parameters (none) Return value trueif the corresponding path is not empty,falseotherwise. Exceptions May throw implementation-defined exceptions. ...