int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { _TCHAR * tchBuffer = L"12345"; USES_CONVERSION; //这两句也要加入2 char *szBuffer = W2A(tchBuffer);//这两句也要加入3 int nNumber = atoi(szBuffer); printf("nNumber:%d", nNumber); return 0; } 找到自己程序报错的地方,将上面三句加入即可运...
<codecvt>// convert string to wstringinline std::wstring to_wide_string(const std::string& ...
昵称:我从花中来 园龄:6年8个月 粉丝:5 关注:3
代码语言:javascript 复制 voidstring2tchar(std::string&src,TCHAR*buf){#ifdefUNICODE_stprintf_s(buf,MAX_PATH,_T("%S"),src.c_str());//%S宽字符#else_stprintf_s(buf,MAX_PATH,_T("%s"),src.c_str());//%s单字符#endif}
1: typedef basic_string< TCHAR, char_traits< TCHAR >, allocator< TCHAR > > tstring; 1. 现在便有了一个 tstring,它基于 TCHAR——也就是说,它要么是 char,要么是 wchar_t,这取决于 _UNICODE 的值。 以上示范并指出了STL 是怎样使用 basic_string 来实现基于任何类型的字符串的。定义一个新的 type...
What to prefer - TCHAR arrays, std::string or std::wstring ? Aug 2 '06, 08:15 PM Hi While developing any software, developer need to think about it's possible enhancement for international usage and considering UNICODE. I have read many nice articles/items in advanced C++ books (Effecti...
What to prefer - TCHAR arrays, std::string or std::wstring ? Aug 2 '06, 08:15 PM Hi While developing any software, developer need to think about it's possible enhancement for international usage and considering UNICODE. I have read many nice articles/items in advanced C++ books (Effecti...
C++ 中 TCHAR 如何转换成std::string类型的? 看这个网址解决的: 可以利用W2A函数将将_TCHAR *转换为char *,举例: #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <atlconv.h> //需要加入的 1...
<codecvt>// convert string to wstringinline std::wstring to_wide_string(const std::string& ...