(\\()?(\\d{3})(\\)|-| |\\)-|\\) )?(\\d{3})(-| )?(\\d{4}|\\d{4}))"); PrintMatches(str8,reg8); return 0; } windows11+powershell 1、cmake .. PS D:\work\regex_work\ModernRegex\codes\c++\simple\04\build> cmake .. -- Building for: Visual Studio 17 2022 ...
std::wsmatch result; BOOLbIsValid = regex_match(szName, result, reg); if(!bIsValid) { msgbox(L"不能输入除下划线_以外的特殊字符!"); return; } 否则用string和std::regex。匹配中文的时候,很多中文匹配错误。 \u表示unicode,用wstring 小数 std::wregex reg(L"^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$"); //...
voidsplit(conststd::string& str,conststd::string& strDelimiter, std::vector<std::string>&result) { std::regex reg(strDelimiter); std::sregex_token_iterator pos(str.begin(), str.end(), reg,-1); decltype(pos) end; result.clear();for(; pos != end; ++pos) { result.emplace_back(...
std::regex reg("wang"); std::string s("hello, wang"); regex_match(s, reg); // 返回flase 而,下面返回真: std::regex reg("wang"); std::string s("hello, wang"); std::smatch sm; //match_results类, 可选参数 regex_search(s, sm , reg); // 返回真 ...
vs低版本转高版本,std::getline报错,如下 提示 error C2027: 使用了未定义类型“std::basic_i...
字符串处理常用的一个操作是「匹配」,即字符串和规则恰好对应,而用于匹配的函数为std::regex_match,它是个函数模板,我们直接来看例子: 1std::regexreg("<.*>.*</.*>"); 2boolret =std::regex_match("value", reg); 3assert(ret); 4 5ret =std:...
Looking at the standard library documentation I found that when using the ECMAScipt 'regular expression language' that one could also pass the flag "regex_constants::multiline" to the regex constructor. I tried to see what difference this would make, but found that the regex_constants::multi...
First, use RegexBuddy to define a regex or retrieve a regexp saved in a RegexBuddy library. Rely on RegexBuddy’s clear regex analysis, which is constantly updated as you build the pattern, rather than dealing with the cryptic regex syntax on your own. Detailed help on that syntax is alw...