std::shared_ptr<Sample>sp=std::make_shared<Sample>(newSample(nullptr,10));//错误的写法 std::cout<<"sp->m_count:"<<sp->m_count<<std::endl; //std::shared_ptr<Sample> sp = std::make_shared<Sample>(nullptr, 10); //正确的写法 } getchar(); return0; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ...
std::ifstreamifs("myfile.bin",std::ios::binary);auto sp=std::make_shared<std::vector<char>...
}// mystruct.ptr still lives here}// i dont need mystruct anymoredelete[] mystruct.ptr; } Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 但后来我必须删除它,这很容易出错,我宁愿避免这样做。所以我想到使用std::shared_ptr. {// scope 0{//scope 1{// scope 2autoa =std::make_shared<char>(ne...
方式一:shared_ptr<string> pTom{new string("tom")}; 方式二:shared_ptr<string> pTom; pTom.reset(new string("tom")); 方式三:shared_ptr<string> pTom = make_shared<string>("tom"); 推荐:使用方式三,更快(一次复制),更安全 使用 shared_ptr<string> pTom = make_shared<string>("tom");...
|-- __shared_count<_Lp> _M_refcount; # 引用计数对象。 |-- _Sp_counted_base<_Lp>* _M_pi; # 控制块指针。 |-- _Atomic_word _M_use_count; # 引用计数。 |-- _Atomic_word _M_weak_count; # 弱引用计数。 1.2.2. make_shared 创建对象 auto a = std::make_shared<A>("hello")...
The following snippet yields a new/delete type mismatch when building with sized deallocation: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::allocate_shared<int64_t[]>(std::allocator<int64_t>{}, 1); } It runs fine with -stdlib=libc++ -fsanitiz...
autoa2 =make_shared<A>; a0->next = a1; a1->next = a2; a2->next = a0; // this weak_ptr leak: newweak_ptr<A>{a0}; this_thread::sleep_for(chrono::seconds(3)); } return0; } 说实话,当初看了这个代码第一眼,是存在内存泄漏的(new一个weak_ptr没有释放),而没有理解风神这段代码真...
make_shared Make shared_ptr Allocates and constructs an object of type T passingargsto its constructor, and returns an object of type shared_ptr<T> that owns and stores a pointer to it (with a use count of 1)....
std::shared_ptr<void> user_data; }; structmonth{ std::vector<day> days; std::shared_ptr<void> user_data; }; ... some_day.user_data = std::make_shared<std::string>("Hello, world!"); // ...much later... some_day = some_other_day;// the object at which some_day.user_d...