std::is_member_object_pointer<T>::value 或者 std::is_member_object_pointer_v<T> 。其中 T ...
structRecord{inta;intb;};intRecord::*pa=&Record::a;// movQWORD PTR -8[rbp], 0intRecord:...
is_pointer (C++11) checks if a type is a pointer type (class template) is_member_object_pointer (C++11) checks if a type is a pointer to a non-static member object (class template) is_member_pointer (C++11) checks if a type is a pointer to a non-static member function...
If T is pointer to non-static member object or a pointer to non-static member function, provides the member constant value equal true. For any other type, value is false. If the program adds specializations for std::is_member_pointer or std::is_member_pointer_v, the behavior is undefin...
I am referring to a possible implementation of std::is_member_function_pointer here.template< class T > struct is_member_function_pointer_helper : std::false_type {}; template< class T, class U> struct is_member_function_pointer_helper...
std::is_member_object_pointer_v<std::remove_reference_t<F>>y、 一是成员函数指针,指向成员函数,然后判断是否基类,判断是否多态调用, 二是成员对象指针,要知道成员函数和成员对象是不一样的(函数不占内存什么的),也就是说,我们可以做这样的事:
std::is_pointer 是一元类型特征 (UnaryTypeTrait) 。 检查T 是否为指向对象或函数的指针(包括 void 的指针,但不包括成员指针),或其 cv 限定版本。如果 T 是对象/函数指针类型,那么提供的成员常量 value 等于true。否则,value 等于false。 如果程序添加了 std::is_pointer 或std::is_pointer_v 的特化,...
std::is_literal_type std::is_lvalue_reference std::is_member_function_pointer std::is_member_object_pointer std::is_member_pointer std::is_move_assignable std::is_move_constructible std::is_nothrow_assignable std::is_nothrow_constructible std::is_nothrow_copy_assignable std::is_nothrow_copy...
Sales_item(std::istream&is) {is>> *this; }public://operations on Sales_item objects//member binary operator: left-hand operand bound to implicit this pointerSales_item&operator+=(constSales_item&);//operations on Sales_item objectsstd::stringisbn()const{returnbookNo; }doubleavg_price()co...
Qt 解决“is not a member of ‘std’”错误 Qt教程(C++ GUI Qt 4)中,第15章例程,tripserver编译出错,提示是:“is not a member of ‘std’””错误。 错误原因是:C++标准库实现有问题,解决方法如下: 在主源代码中加入:#include <stddef.h>