Tried to upgrade to from to but I'm getting this invalid argument error when building llvm-general. System is OS X Yosimite. If you need any specific information let me know - or if it's on my end also let me know :P. Con...
I got en error ruining your french_towns.req test set. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument' what(): stoul Abandon (core dumped) vroom -a -p 5000 -i french_towns.req terminate called after throw...
= std::wstring::npos) throw std::invalid_argument("the argument to drawText cannot contain line breaks"); unsigned width = textWidth(text, fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags); WinBitmap helper(width, fontHeight); helper.selectFont(fontName, fontHeight, fontFlags); if (::SetTe...
所以如果所有输出放到一个tensor中,取outputs[0]即可;但是放到n个tensor中,那list中有很多个array。 bug fix 1 INVALID_ARGUMENT : Unexpected input data type. Actual: (tensor(float)) , expected: (tensor(int64))? 一般都是dummy_input和加载后推理时真实输入不同导致,要么是前面说到的输入位置错了,要么就...
I realise that this doesn't really fix the issue of preventing invalid bar from existing: bar_1 is likely to be invalid after the move. But that's always going to be the case when dealing with std::move(). Since we are forced to use std::move() on any lvalue bar...
rsa加密公钥convertKey异常:401 invalid param 通用密钥库系统中,使用AES GCM算法进行操作,AAD可以为空吗 HUKS解密时,若明文包含中文字符,则解密后明文与原明文不一致 如何获取HarmonyOS签名证书的公钥信息 如何使用用户自定义的pin码(6到16位)进行密钥解锁 huks Native接口编译报错问题 是否支持硬件(TEE或SE...
bugfix program error help. Build Error: "Error: Failed to write to log file "C:\". Access to the path 'C:\' is denied" Building a Project (Configuration: makefile) Building a Windows Forms Application in C++ environment builtin type size differences between 32 bit and 64 bit in Visual...
Char **globbed;charcv[BUFSIZE];/*FIXBUF*/intverbose =0, silent =0;staticchar*fmts ="%s\n", *fmtd ="%d\n";intli,co; setname("echotc"); v = glob_all_or_error(v); globbed = v; cleanup_push(globbed, blk_cleanup);if(!v || !*v || *v[0] =='\0')gotoend;if(v[0...
Anyways, here is a fix for the vector<bool> related bug. Any way to tell programatically that vector<bool> is not a sequence? 12 template<> struct is_sequence< std::vector<bool> > { static const bool value=false; }; Last edited on Jun 28, 2016 at 5:25am Pages: 12Home...