std::same_as<T, wchar_t> constexpr bool has_single_bit(T x) noexcept { return x != 0 && (x & (x - 1)) == 0; } 版本二 template <std::unsigned_integral T> requires !std::same_as<T, bool> && !std::same_as<T, char> && !std::same_as<T, char8_t> && !std::...
std::same_as<T, char32_t> && !std::same_as<T, wchar_t> constexpr bool has_single_bit(T x) noexcept { return std::popcount(x) == 1; } 示例运行此代码 #include <bit> #include <bitset> #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << std::boolalpha; for (auto i = 0u; ...
#include <bit>#include <bitset>#include <cmath>#include <iostream>intmain(){for(autou=0u;u!=10;++u){std::cout<<"u = "<<u<<" = "<<std::bitset<4>(u);if(std::has_single_bit(u))// `ispow2` before P1956R1std::cout<<" = 2^"<<std::log2(u)<<" (is power of two...
has_single_bit (C++20) checks if a number is an integral power of 2 (function template) count returns the number of bits set to true (public member function of std::bitset<N>) allanynone checks if all, any or none of the bits are set to true (public member function of...
func hasItem(String) class MainDecl prop block prop colon prop declType prop funcParams prop lParen prop rParen init() init(Tokens) class MatchCase prop arrow prop bitOrs prop block prop expr prop keywordC prop keywordW prop patternGuard prop patterns init() class MatchExpr prop keyword prop ...
-e 's/@''GL_STDC_HAS_SINGLE_BIT''@/$(GL_STDC_HAS_SINGLE_BIT)/g' \ -e 's/@''GL_STDC_BIT_WIDTH''@/$(GL_STDC_BIT_WIDTH)/g' \ -e 's/@''GL_STDC_BIT_FLOOR''@/$(GL_STDC_BIT_FLOOR)/g' \ -e 's/@''GL_STDC_BIT_CEIL''@/$(GL_STDC_BIT_CEIL)/g' \ $(srcdir)...
static_assert(std::has_single_bit(std::size(massive))); auto elapsed = tick([&]{ simd_sort(massive); }); // auto elapsed = tick([&] { stdr::sort(massive); }); assert(std::ranges::is_sorted(massive)); std::println("time: {}", elapsed); ...
A Manager has a Ceo* boss and a subordinates vector of Supervisor*. A Ceo has no boss, and a Dishwasher has no subordinates. Next, we give each type of work request the members constexpr bool flows_down, to indicate whether this is stuff that flows uphill or downhill, and static ...
Specifies the number of times the actual path for this tunnel instance has changed. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB files. mplsTunnelLastPathChange INTEGER (0..4294967295) read-only ...