这是使用 std::filesystem 库所必需的。 cpp #include <filesystem> 使用std::filesystem::remove 函数: 这个函数用于删除指定的文件。 提供要删除文件的路径作为参数: 你需要提供一个 std::filesystem::path 对象,表示要删除的文件路径。 检查删除操作是否成功: std::filesystem::remove 函数返回一个...
File 常规操作:创建、删除、读写、关闭 代码如下: import std.fs.* import std.io.SeekPosition main() { let filePath: Path = Path("./tempFile.txt") if (File.exists(filePath)) { File.delete(filePath) } /* 在当前目录以 只写模式 创建新文件 'tempFile.txt',写入三遍 "123456789\n" 并关...
5.3 选择 remove 还是 delete(Choosing remove or delete) remove是一个标准库函数,用于删除文件或目录。此外,在STL容器中,remove用于移除某些元素但不改变容器的大小。 delete是一个操作符,用于释放动态分配的内存。 5.3.1 文件与目录操作(File and Directory Operations) 在涉及文件或目录操作时,remove是合适的选择。
thread( const thread& ) = delete;(since C++11)默认构造函数,创建一个空的 std::thread 执行对象...
Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. - Delete two unused files from library/std/src/os/wasi/io · rust-lang/rust@daaed09
p-path to delete ec-out-parameter for error reporting in the non-throwing overload. Return value 1,2)trueif the file was deleted,falseif it did not exist. The overload that takeserror_code&argument returnsfalseon errors. 3,4)Returns the number of files and directories that were deleted ...
Delete CalendarProperties.EffectiveWeeks CalendarProperties.EnterpriseUid CalendarProperties.Exceptions CalendarProperties.Information CalendarProperties.IsBaseCalendar CalendarProperties.IsBaselineCalendar CalendarProperties.IsEnterpriseCalendar CalendarProperties.IsStandardCalendar CalendarProperties.IsWorkResourceCalend...
FileOpenFromWeb 451 Command id:"File Open From Web" on File menu. FontNameGetList 500 Get Font Name List FontSizeGetList 501 Get Font Size List RenameBookmark 559 Rename Bookmark ToggleBookmark 560 Toggle Bookmark DeleteBookmark 561 Delete bookmark BookmarkWindowGoToBookmark 562 Bookmar...
delete pOfs; //关闭文件 remove(m_sFileName.c_str()); //删除文件 cout << "Delete file -- " << m_sFileName << endl; } private: string m_sFileName; }; int main() { const string sFileName = "TempFile.txt"; std::shared_ptr<ofstream> ...